Health Technology Assessment in Primary Care and Mental Health (PRISMA)
Research Program
Where we are
Parc Sanitari Sant Joan de Déu
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We conduct research into the design and evaluation of new technologies and health services, with a special focus on primary and community care and mental health. As a research group, we focus on health economics including exploring preventive strategies and pharmacological/non-pharmacological treatments for mental health disorders and other chronic diseases that are either extremely prevalent or have a major social impact, such as stroke and cardiovascular disease.
We also evaluate the health impact of population interventions, policies or access to resources, and the use of health and social services. The results of these studies can be used in health service planning, economic management and to establish health policies.
We were part of the Cooperative Research Network for Research on Health Outcomes and Health Services (IRYSS, G03/202) between 2003 and 2005. From 2007 to 2021 the group was part of the Research in Preventive Activities and Health Promotion network (redIAPP, RD12 / 0005/008), which in 2022 was transformed into the RICAPPS, where it is also part of (RD21/0016/0018). Some members of our group joined the Centre for Biomedical Research Network for Epidemiology and Public Health (CIBERESP) (CB16 / 02/00322) in 2017. Our group has been recognised as a consolidated research group by AGAUR (SGR 1515).
"NHoA - Never Home Alone" Principal Investigator: Dr. Antoni Serrano Blanco. 2021-2024. The PLEC2021-007868 project has been funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by the European Union Next Generation EU/PRTR; within the call "R+D+i projects in «strategic lines» 2021"
Research lines
- Research in Primary and Community Care (Principal investigator: Maria Rubio): we carry out and evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of health interventions in primary and community care involving professionals and patients through qualitative and quantitative studies (epidemiological, Real World Data and clinical trials).
- Evaluation of health services (Principal investigator: Antoni Serrano): we explore the availability and efficiency of health services, with special emphasis on the economic assessment of diseases, by carrying out cost/burden of disease studies and interventions, through cost-effectiveness studies based on clinical trials and economic models.
Scientific objectives
- To develop and evaluate interventions to improve initiation of pharmacological treatments in primary care.
- To study the impact of social events on the behaviour of patients and professionals and their health impact through natural experiments.
- To evaluate the efficiency (effectiveness and cost-effectiveness) of preventive and therapeutic interventions in primary care and other settings.
- To assess the stigma associated with mental health and the effectiveness of population-based interventions aimed at curbing this.
Area/Field of expertise
The group includes psychiatrists, GPs, pharmacists, psychologists and economists who provide a global perspective on the studies being carried out. We have methodological experts with extensive experience in health economics and quantitative and qualitative research.
Our primary objective is to guide health decision-making by researching the efficiency of health technologies in primary care, with a special focus on health prevention and promotion, mental health therapies and medication adherence. We also seek to detect needs and generate interventions based on expertise taking into account the context in which they are to be implemented. We, therefore, also conduct studies on the prevalence of mental illness, the coordination between different levels of care, the cost and burden of the disease and the classification and mapping of services.
To answer these highly complex questions, we employ mixed research methods and have expertise in qualitative research, clinical trials, Real World Data, cost-effectiveness studies based on clinical trials and mathematical models as well as other methodologies. Finally, the group includes professionals with a strong statistical background who apply cutting-edge statistical techniques to the analysis of our study results.

Group members
Jefe de Grupo Senior
Investigador colaborador
Investigador colaborador
Investigador post-doc
Investigador colaborador
Jefe de Grupo
Investigador colaborador
Investigador colaborador
Investigador colaborador
Investigador post-doc
Investigador post-doc
Investigador colaborador
Investigador colaborador
Investigador colaborador
Maria Del Carmen Gallardo González
Investigador colaborador
Ayudante de investigación
Ayudante de investigación
Investigador post-doc
Ayudante de investigación
Claudia Macarena Palma Vásquez
Ayudante de investigación
Investigador post-doc
Marta Menendez Boscasa
Ayudante de investigación
Last Publications
- Catalán L, Alvarado-Peña J, Torres-Soto G, Lorca-Sepúlveda B, Besoaín AM and Kappes M Second victim phenomenon among healthcare students: A scoping review. NURSE EDUCATION IN PRACTICE . 79: 104094-104094.
- Sierra-Núñez D, Bosch-Alcaraz A, Falcó A, Segura-Matute S, García-Godoy C, Otero-Arús C, Corral C and Zuriguel-Pérez E Multicenter study. Nursing professionals' perception of training needs in pain assessment in pediatric patients with cognitive dysfunction. enfermeria intensiva . 35(3): 161-170.
- Temedda MN, Haesebaert J, Viprey M, Schott AM, Dima AL, Papus M, Schneider MP and Novais T Motivational interviewing to support medication adherence in older patients: Barriers and facilitators for implementing in hospital setting according to healthcare professionals. PATIENT EDUCATION AND COUNSELING . 124: 108253-108253.
- Project name:
- Motius en la cronificació de l’Ús de Benzodiazepines: Estudi Qualitatiu (Estudi B-LONG)
- Leader
- Maria Montserrat Gil Girbau
- Funding entities:
- Provincia San Juan de Dios de España
- Code
- PFNR0207
- Starting - finishing date:
- 2024 - 2025
- Project name:
- M-AES_Estancia en Center of Research in Pharmacoeconomics and Drug utilization (CIRFF) at University of Naples Federico Il
- Leader
- Ignacio Aznar Lou
- Funding entities:
- Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII)
- Code
- MV23/00027
- Starting - finishing date:
- 2024 - 2024
- Project name:
- Leader
- Alexandra Lelia Dima
- Funding entities:
- European Commission
- Code
- 101104469
- Starting - finishing date:
- 2023 - 2028
Adaptació al mitjà penitenciari d’homes amb psicosi. Validació de l’escala “Prison Adjustment Index” en població masculina amb psicosi
- Author
- Cañete Mena, Gustavo Adolfo
- Institution
Problemas de Adherencia al Inicio de Tratamientos para la Enfermedad Cardiovascular y Diabetes
- Author
- Vilaplana Carnerero, Carles
- Institution
El problema de la no iniciación del tratamiento farmacológico: evaluación con métodos cualitativos
- Author
- Gil Girbau, Maria Montserrat
- Institution
More than 6% of Europeans suffer from depression
Dr. Antoni Serrano (Institut de Recerca Sant Joan de Déu) participates in a study led by King's College London and the Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute where the prevalence of depression among the population of more than 27 European countries has been studied.
Research identifies six groups in the population more susceptible to the impact of the pandemic
Dr. Belén Arranz, Dr. Judith Usall i Rodié and Dr. Antoni Serrano from the Institut de Recerca Sant Joan de Déu participate in the project COM-COVID, leds by Dr. Cristina Vilaplana from the Germans Trias i Pujol Research Institute.
Dr Maria Rubio awarded a scientific excellence grant from the European Research Council (ERC)
This financial award will fund an intervention in several primary care centres in Catalonia and is designed to encourage people with diabetes and cardiovascular disease to begin and comply with the pharmacological treatments as prescribed by their physician.
More activities
Defensa tesi doctoral: Gustavo Adolfo Cañete Mena
Sala de Graus de la Unitat Docent Germans Trias i Pujol
Jornada de salut mental i joves migrants
Auditori Sant Joan de Déu Numància
XIII CIBERSAM Instrument Bank Workshop
Àgora 3 i 4. SJD Hospital de Sant Boi