Claudia Macarena Palma Vásquez
Claudia Palma Vásquez has a degree in Education (Universidad del Bío Bío, Chile), a Master's degree in Educational Psychology (University of Barcelona, Spain) and a PhD in Education (Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción, Chile). Her doctoral thesis consisted of explaining, through an organizational model focused on personal, labor and contextual variables, the intention of leaving the profession of Chilean teachers who work in contexts of high vulnerability.
Between 2018 and 2019, she carried out research stays at the MIDE Measurement Center of the Catholic University of Chile, at the Department of Social, Quantitative and Organizational Psychology of the Universitat de Barcelona and at the Center for Research in Occupational Health (CiSAL) of Universitat Pompeu Fabra.
During the years 2019 to 2021, she coordinated two projects financed by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III through the Health Research Fund: "Burden of occupational disease treated in the national health system" (PI16/00061) and "Randomized controlled trial by clusters of a multicomponent intervention in the workplace to improve musculoskeletal health in healthcare personnel" (PI17/00779). Between 2021 and 2022 she worked as a health technology assessment technician at the Agency for Health Quality and Assessment of Catalonia (AQuAS).
Her lines of research relate organizational psychology, occupational health and epidemiology. Specifically, she is interested in studying the teaching career, job insecurity, mental health, and in general, complex interventions, among other topics.
She currently works as Project Manager in the projects: "IMA-cRCT_Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of the Initial Medication Adherence intervention: cluster randomized controlled trial and economic model" and "NHOA_Never HOme Alone", in the Health Technology Assessment in Primary Care and Mental Health (PRISMA) resarch group in IRSJD.
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Last Publications
- Palma CM, Vives A, Gimeno Ruiz de Porras D, Rojas Garbanzo M and García Benavides F Medida de la precariedad laboral en Centroamérica: propiedades psicométricas en base a la II Encuesta Centroamericana de Condiciones de Trabajo y Salud Archivos de prevencio´n de riesgos laborales . 25(3): 310-328.
- Palma CM, Carrasco D and Tapia-Ladino M Teacher Mobility: What Is It, How Is It Measured and What Factors Determine It? A Scoping Review. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH . 19(4): .
- Soler M, Ramada JM, Merelles A, Amat A, de la Flor C, Martínez O, Palma CM, Sancho C, Peña P, Bültmann U, van Zon SKR and Serra C Process evaluation of a complex workplace intervention to prevent musculoskeletal pain in nursing staff: results from INTEVAL_Spain. BMC Nursing . 20(1): 189-189.
- Project name:
- Anàlisi de les pràctiques sobre la promoció del Benestar Emocional en l’adolescència a la província de Barcelona
- Leader
- Antoni Serrano Blanco
- Funding entities:
- Diputació de Barcelona
- Code
- 2023/0025650
- Starting - finishing date:
- 2023 - 2023
- Project name:
- SGR 2022-2024_Grup de Recerca en Serveis Sanitaris i Resultats en Salut Mental (PRISMA)
- Leader
- Antoni Serrano Blanco
- Funding entities:
- Agaur - Agència de Gestió d'Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca
- Code
- 2021 SGR 01503
- Starting - finishing date:
- 2022 - 2025
- Project name:
- IMA-cRCT_Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of the Initial Medication Adherence intervention: cluster randomized controlled trial and economic model
- Leader
- Maria Rubio Valera
- Funding entities:
- European Commission
- Code
- 948973
- Starting - finishing date:
- 2021 - 2025