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  • Rubio-Valera M, Huerta-Ramos ME, Baladon L, Aznar-Lou I, Ortiz JM, Luciano JV, Roset-Arisso PN, Salvador-Carulla L, Villagrán JM, Mayoral F, Gracia A and Serrano-Blanco A.

    Qualitative study of the agitation states and their characterization, and the interventions used to attend them

    ACTAS ESPANOLAS DE PSIQUIATRIA . 44(5): 166-177. Nº de cites: 10

  • Grau N, Rubio E, Usall J, Barajas A, Butjosa A, Dolz M, Baños I, Sánchez Fernández B, Rodríguez MJ, Peláez T, Sammut S, Carlson J, Huerta-Ramos ME, GENIPE Group and Ochoa S.

    Influence of cognition, premorbid adjustment and psychotic symptoms on psycho-social functioning in first-episode psychosis

    PSYCHIATRY RESEARCH . 242: 157-162. Nº de cites: 20


  • Nuñez C, Ochoa S, Huerta-Ramos ME, Baños I, Barajas A, Dolz M, Sánchez Fernández B, del Cacho N, GENIPE Group and Usall J.

    Differential effects of sex on substance use between first episode psychosis patients and healthy people

    COMPREHENSIVE PSYCHIATRY . 69: 169-178. Nº de cites: 12


  • Stephan-Otto C, Siddi S, Cuevas-Esteban J, Carl Senior, García-Alvarez, R, Cambra-Martí MR, Usall J and Brebion G.

    Neural activity during object perception in schizophrenia patients is associated with illness duration and affective symptoms

    SCHIZOPHRENIA RESEARCH . 175(1-3): 27-34. Nº de cites: 14


  • Farreny A, Aguado J, Corbera S, Ochoa S, Huerta-Ramos ME and Usall J.

    Baseline Predictors for Success Following Strategy-Based Cognitive Remediation Group Training in Schizophrenia

    JOURNAL OF NERVOUS AND MENTAL DISEASE . 204(8): 585-589. Nº de cites: 15


  • Farreny A, Del Rey-Mejías, Á., Escartin G, Usall J, Nuria Tous Andreu, Haro JM and Ochoa S.

    Study of positive and negative feedback sensitivity in psychosis using the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test.

    COMPREHENSIVE PSYCHIATRY . 68: 119-128. Nº de cites: 16


  • Huerta-Ramos ME, Escobar-Villegas MS, Rubinstein K, Unoka ZS, Grasa E, Hospedales M, Jääskeläinen E, Rubio E, Caspi A, Bitter I, Berdun J, Seppälä J, Ochoa S, Fazekas K, M-RESIST Group, Corripio I and Usall J.

    Measuring Users' Receptivity Toward an Integral Intervention Model Based on mHealth Solutions for Patients With Treatment-Resistant Schizophrenia (m-RESIST): A Qualitative Study

    JMIR mHealth and uHealth . 4(3): . Nº de cites: 18


  • Vila R, Martínez-Zambrano F, Arenas O, Casas E, García-Morales E, Villellas R, Martín JR, Pérez-Franco MB, Valduciel T, Casellas D, García-Franco M, Miguel J, Balsera J, Pascual G, Julia E and Ochoa S.

    Effectiveness of an intervention for reducing social stigma towards mental illness in adolescents.

    World Journal of Psychiatry . 6(2): 239-247. Nº de cites: 14


  • Cunill R and Castells X.

    The treatment of dual ADHD: a drop in the ocean.

    Adicciones . 28(3): 131-135. Nº de cites: 1


  • Fusté M, Meléndez-Pérez I, Villalta-Gil V, Pinacho R, Villalmanzo N, Cardoner N, Menchón JM, Haro JM, Soriano-Mas C and Ramos B.

    Specificity proteins 1 and 4, hippocampal volume and first-episode psychosis.

    BRITISH JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRY . 208(6): 591-592. Nº de cites: 2
