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Discontinuation of pharmacological treatment of children and adolescents with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: meta-analysis of 63 studies enrolling 11,788 patients.
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Prevalence and characteristics of catatonia on admission to an acute geriatric psychiatry ward.
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Nuevas consideraciones sobre la salud de las personas con trastornos del desarrollo intelectual.
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Intuitive pharmacogenetic dosing of risperidone according to CYP2D6 phenotype extrapolated from genotype in a cohort of first episode psychosis patients.
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Ochoa S, López-Carrilero R, Barrigón ML, Esther Pousa Tomas, Barajas A, Lorente-Rovira E, González-Higueras F, Grasa E, Ruiz-Delgado I, Cid J, Birulés-Muntané I, Esteban-Pinos I, Casañas R, Luengo A, Torres-Hernández P, Corripio I, Montes-Gámez M, Beltran M, Ana de Apraiz Botaz, Domínguez-Sánchez L, Sánchez E, Llacer B, Peláez MT, Jose Luis Bogas Galisteo, Moritz S and Spanish Metacognition Study Group.
Randomized control trial to assess the efficacy of metacognitive training compared with a psycho-educational group in people with a recent-onset psychosis.
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Insight and suicidality in psychosis: A cross-sectional study.
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Global brain asymmetry is increased in schizophrenia and related to avolition.
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Rationale and design of the PLACID study: a randomised trial comparing the efficacy and safety of inhaled loxapine versus IM aripiprazole in acutely agitated patients with schizophrenia or bipolar disorder.
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Sevilla-Llewellyn-Jones J, Cano-Domínguez P, de-Luis-Matilla A, Peñuelas-Calvo I, Espina-Eizaguirre A, Moreno-Kustner B and Ochoa S.
Personality traits and psychotic symptoms in recent onset of psychosis patients.
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Stephan-Otto C, Siddi S, Carl Senior, Muñoz D, Ochoa S, Sánchez-Laforga AM and Brebion G.
Visual Imagery and False Memory for Pictures: A Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study in Healthy Participants.
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