Search publications


  • Royer-Pokora B, Beier M, Brandt A, Duhme C, Busch M, de Torres C, Royer HD and Mora J.

    Chemotherapy and terminal skeletal muscle differentiation in WT1-mutant Wilms tumors

    CANCER MEDICINE . 7(4): 1359-1368. Number of citations: 9


  • Mora J, Pérez-Jaume S and Cruz-Martínez O.

    Treatment of childhood astrocytomas with irinotecan and cisplatin

    CLINICAL & TRANSLATIONAL ONCOLOGY . 20(4): 500-507. Number of citations: 3


  • Gomez-Gonzalez S, Garrido- García A, García-Gerique L, Lemos I, Suñol M, de Torres C, Kulis M, Pérez-Jaume S, Carcaboso AM, Luu B, Kieran MW, Jabado N, Kozlenkov A, Dracheva S, Ramaswamy V, Hovestadt V, Johann P, Jones DTW, Pfister SM, Morales-La Madrid A, Cruz-Martínez O, Taylor MD, Martín-Subero JI, Mora J and Lavarino C.

    A Novel Method for Rapid Molecular Subgrouping of Medulloblastoma

    CLINICAL CANCER RESEARCH . 24(6): 1355-1363. Number of citations: 23


  • Prieto C, López-Millán B, Roca-Ho H, Stam RW, Romero-Moya D, Rodríguez-Baena FJ, Sanjuan-Pla A, Ayllón V, Ramírez M, Bardini M, De Lorenzo P, Valsecchi MG, Stanulla M, Iglesias M, Ballerini P, Carcaboso AM, Mora J, Locatelli F, Bertaina A, Padilla L, Rodríguez-Manzaneque JC, Bueno C and Menéndez P.

    NG2 antigen is involved in leukemia invasiveness and central nervous system infiltration in MLL-rearranged infant B-ALL

    Leukemia . 32(3): 633-644. Number of citations: 31


  • Iniguez AB, Stolte B, Wang EJ, Conway AS, Alexe G, Dharia NV, Kwiatkowski N, Zhang T, Abraham BJ, Mora J, Kalev P, Leggett A, Chowdhury D, Benes CH, Young RA, Gray NS and Stegmaier K.

    EWS/FLI Confers Tumor Cell Synthetic Lethality to CDK12 Inhibition in Ewing Sarcoma

    Cancer Cell . 33(2): 202-216. Number of citations: 132


  • Krauel L, De Haro-Jorge I, Carrasco-Torrents R, Vancells M and Mora J.

    Upfront Nephrectomy for the Treatment of Wilms Tumor: Outcomes and Predictors of Complications

    Journal of Child Science . 8: 21-26.


  • Ding YY, Panzer J, Maris JM, Castañeda-Heredia A, Gómez-Chiari M and Mora J.

    Transverse myelitis as an unexpected complication following treatment with dinutuximab in pediatric patients with high-risk neuroblastoma: A case series

    PEDIATRIC BLOOD & CANCER . 65(1): . Number of citations: 20


  • Martin-Broto J, Redondo A, Valverde C, Vaz MA, Mora J, Garcia Del Muro X, Gutierrez A, Tous C, Carnero A, Marcilla D, Carranza A, Sancho P, Martinez-Trufero J, Diaz-Beveridge R, Cruz J, Encinas V, Taron M, Moura DS, Luna P, Hindi N and Lopez-Pousa A.

    Gemcitabine plus sirolimus for relapsed and progressing osteosarcoma patients after standard chemotherapy: a multicenter, single-arm phase II trial of Spanish Group for Research on Sarcoma (GEIS)

    ANNALS OF ONCOLOGY . 28(12): 2994-2999. Number of citations: 51


  • Pérez-Jaume S, Skaltsa K, Pallarès N and Carrasco JL.

    ThresholdROC: Optimum Threshold Estimation Tools for Continuous Diagnostic Tests in R

    Journal of Statistical Software . 82(4): 1-21. Number of citations: 20


  • Pascual-Pastó G, Gene-Olaciregui N, Opezzo JAW, Castillo-Ecija H, Cuadrado-Vilanova M, Paco-Mercader S, Rivero EM, Vilà-Ubach M, Restrepo-Perdomo CA, Torrebadell-Burriel M, Suñol M, Schaquevich P, Mora J, Bramuglia GF, Chantada G and Carcaboso AM.

    Increased delivery of chemotherapy to the vitreous by inhibition of the blood-retinal barrier

    JOURNAL OF CONTROLLED RELEASE . 264: 34-44. Number of citations: 15
