Search publications


  • Puerto-Camacho P, Amaral AT, Lamhamedi-Cherradi SE, Menegaz BA, Castillo H, Ordóñez JL, Dominguez-Hormaetxe S, Jordan-Perez C, Diaz-Martin J, Romero-Pérez L, Lopez-Alvarez M, Civantos-Jubera G, Robles-Frias MJ, Biscuola M, Ferrer C, Mora J, Cuglievan B, Schadler KL, Seifert O, Kontermann RE, Pfizenmaier K, Simon L, Fabre M, Carcaboso AM, Ludwig JA and de Álava E.

    Preclinical Efficacy of Endoglin-Targeting Antibody-Drug Conjugates for the Treatment of Ewing Sarcoma

    CLINICAL CANCER RESEARCH . 25(7): 2228-2240. Number of citations: 31


  • Chellapandian D, Hines MR, Zhang R, Jeng M, van den Bos C, Salvador-Marcos N, Lehmberg K, Sieni E, Wang Y, Nakano T, Williams JA, Fustino NJ, Astigarraga I, Dunkel IJ, Abla O, van Halteren AGS, Pei D, Cheng C, Weitzman S, Sung L and Nichols KE.

    A multicenter study of patients with multisystem Langerhans cell histiocytosis who develop secondary hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis.

    CANCER . 125(6): 963-971. Number of citations: 23


  • Blanco, AM, Krauel L and Artes, FF.

    Development of a patients-specific 3D-printed preoperative planning and training tool, with functionalized internal surfaces, for complex oncologic cases

    RAPID PROTOTYPING JOURNAL . 25(2): 363-377. Number of citations: 19


  • Guenther LM, Dharia NV, Ross L, Saur Conway A, Robichaud AL, Catlett JL, Wechsler C, Frank ES, Goodale AB, Church AJ, Tseng YY, Guha R, McKnight C, Janeway KA, Boehm JS, Mora J, Davis MI, Alexe G, Piccioni F and Stegmaier K.

    A Combination CDK4/6 and IGF1R Inhibitor Strategy for Ewing Sarcoma

    CLINICAL CANCER RESEARCH . 25(4): 1343-1357. Number of citations: 67


  • Pascual-Pastó G, Bazan-Peregrino M, Gene-Olaciregui N, Restrepo-Perdomo CA, Mato-Berciano A, Ottaviani D, Weber K, Correa MG, Paco-Mercader S, Vilà-Ubach M, Cuadrado-Vilanova M, Castillo H, Botteri G, García-Gerique L, Moreno-Gilabert H, Gimenez-Alejandre M, Alonso-Lopez P, Farrera-Sal M, Torres-Manjon S, Ramos-Lozano D, Moreno R, Aerts I, Doz F, Cassoux N, Chapeaublanc E, Torrebadell-Burriel M, Roldan-Molina M, König A, Suñol M, Claverol J, Lavarino C, de Torres C, Fu L, Radvanyi F, Munier FL, Català-Mora J, Mora J, Alemany R, Cascallo M, Chantada G and Carcaboso AM.

    Therapeutic targeting of the RB1 pathway in retinoblastoma with the oncolytic adenovirus VCN-01

    SCIENCE TRANSLATIONAL MEDICINE . 11(476): 9321. Number of citations: 81


  • Lobon-Iglesias MJ, Salvador-Marcos N, Puerta Roldan P, Candela-Cantó SA, Ramos-Albiac M, Gómez-Chiari M, Puget S, Bolle S, Goumnerova L, Kieran MW, Cruz-Martínez O, Grill J and Morales-La Madrid A.

    Tumor dissemination through surgical tracts in diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma.

    JOURNAL OF NEUROSURGERY-PEDIATRICS . 22(6): 678-683. Number of citations: 8


  • Reichardt P, Tabone MD, Mora J, Morland B and Jones RL.

    Risk-benefit of dexrazoxane for preventing anthracycline-related cardiotoxicity: re-evaluating the European labeling

    FUTURE ONCOLOGY . 14(25): 2663-2676. Number of citations: 118


  • Pishas KI, Drenberg CD, Taslim C, Theisen ER, Johnson KM, Saund RS, Pop IL, Crompton BD, Lawlor ER, Tirode F, Mora J, Delattre O, Beckerle MC, Callen DF, Sharma S and Lessnick SL.

    Therapeutic Targeting of KDM1A/LSD1 in Ewing Sarcoma with SP-2509 Engages the Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress Response

    MOLECULAR CANCER THERAPEUTICS . 17(9): 1902-1916. Number of citations: 46


  • Garcia-Monclus S, Lopez-Alemany R, Almacellas-Rabaiget O, Herrero-Martin D, Huertas-Martinez J, Lagares-Te L, Alba-Pavon P, Hontecillas-Prieto L, Mora J, de Alava E, Rello-Varona S, Giangrande PH and Tirado OM.

    EphA2 receptor is a key player in the metastatic onset of Ewing sarcoma

    INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CANCER . 143(5): 1188-1201. Number of citations: 49


  • Manzanares-Quintela A, Restrepo-Perdomo CA, Botteri G, Castillo H, Pascual-Pastó G, Cano F, Garcia-Alvarez L, Monterrubio C, Ruiz B, Vazquez M, Suñol M, Mora J, Tornero JA, Sosnik A and Carcaboso AM.

    Tissue Compatibility of SN-38-Loaded Anticancer Nanofiber Matrices

    ADVANCED HEALTHCARE MATERIALS . 7(15): . Number of citations: 4
