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Edurne Urquizu Llop
Neurogenetics and Molecular Medicine
Ayudante de investigación
Roser Urreizti Frexedas
Metabolomics and biochemical genetics
Nerea Urtasun Plans
Molecular Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics (MPET)
Investigador post-doc
Judith Usall I Rodié
Etiopathogenesis and treatment of severe mental disorders (MERITT)
Jefe de Grupo Senior
Helena Vall Roqué
Research in Child and Adolescent Mental Health
Investigador pre-doc
Marta Valle Noguera
Sarcomas and Histiocytosis
Investigador pre-doc
Ivan Vallejo Gutierrez
Foetal Medicine and Surgery
Ayudante de investigación
Alexander Vallmitjana Lees
Medical technologies: Bioinformatics and biomedical signals
Arnau Valls Esteve
Innovation in Health Technologies
Jefe de Grupo
Montserrat Vallverdú Ferrer
Medical technologies: Bioinformatics and biomedical signals