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Vicente Tort Herrando
Etiopathogenesis and treatment of severe mental disorders (MERITT)
Gemma Tort Vázquez
Neurogenetics and Molecular Medicine
Ayudante de investigación
Ingrid Tortadès Arumí
Research in Child and Adolescent Mental Health
Ayudante de investigación
Emily Marisol Toscano Guerra
Foetal Medicine and Surgery
Ayudante de investigación
Daniela Tost Pardell
Medical Technologies: Computer Graphics: Serious Games and Gamification
Vasileios Toulis
Human Molecular Genetics II
Investigador pre-doc
Nuria Tous Andreu
Etiopathogenesis and treatment of severe mental disorders (MERITT)
Maria Trabazo del Castillo
Leukaemia and Paediatric Haematology Disorders
Investigador pre-doc
Iria Trasobares Magdalena
Metabolomics and biochemical genetics
Ayudante de investigación
Desiré Traver Edo
Etiopathogenesis and treatment of severe mental disorders (MERITT)
Investigador pre-doc