Buscador de publicacions


  • Skrobot OA, O'Brien J, Black S, Chen C, DeCarli C, Erkinjuntti T, Ford GA, Kalaria RN, Pantoni L, Pasquier F, Roman GC, Wallin A, Sachdev P, Skoog I, VICCCS group, Ben-Shlomo Y, Passmore AP, Love S and Kehoe PG.

    The Vascular Impairment of Cognition Classification Consensus Study.

    ALZHEIMERS & DEMENTIA . 13(6): 624-633. Nº de cites: 129


  • Stillman CM, Watt JC, Grove GA, Wollam ME, Uyar F, Mataró-Serrat M, Cohen NJ, Howard DV, Howard JH and Erickson KI.

    Physical Activity Is Associated with Reduced Implicit Learning but Enhanced Relational Memory and Executive Functioning in Young Adults.

    PLoS One . 11(9): . Nº de cites: 15


  • Santos A, Resmini E, Gómez-Ansón B, Crespo I, Granell E, Valassi E, Pires P, Vives-Gilabert Y, Martínez-Momblán MA, de Juan M, Mataró-Serrat M and Webb SM.

    Cardiovascular risk and white matter lesions after endocrine control of Cushing's syndrome.

    EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ENDOCRINOLOGY . 173(6): 765-775. Nº de cites: 26


  • Chyzhyk, Darya, Dacosta-Aguayo, Rosalia, Mataró-Serrat M and Grana, Manuel.

    An active learning approach for stroke lesion segmentation on multimodal MRI data

    Neurocomputing . 150(A, SI): 26-36. Nº de cites: 20


  • Dacosta-Aguayo R, Graña M, Iturria-Medina Y, Fernández-Andújar M, López-Cancio E, Cáceres C, Bargalló N, Barrios M, Clemente I, Toran P, Forés R, Dávalos A, Auer T and Mataró-Serrat M.

    Impairment of functional integration of the default mode network correlates with cognitive outcome at three months after stroke.

    HUMAN BRAIN MAPPING . 36(2): 577-590. Nº de cites: 63


  • Fernández-Andújar M, Doornink F, Dacosta-Aguayo R, Soriano-Raya JJ, Miralbell J, Bargalló N, López-Cancio E, Pérez de la Ossa N, Gomis M, Millán M, Barrios M, Cáceres C, Pera G, Forés R, Clemente I, Dávalos A and Mataró-Serrat M.

    Remote thalamic microstructural abnormalities related to cognitive function in ischemic stroke patients.

    Neuropsychology . 28(6): 984-996. Nº de cites: 28


  • Santos A, Resmini E, Crespo I, Pires P, Vives-Gilabert Y, Granell E, Valassi E, Gómez-Anson B, Martínez-Momblán MA, Mataró-Serrat M and Webb SM.

    Small cerebellar cortex volume in patients with active Cushing's syndrome.

    EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ENDOCRINOLOGY . 171(4): 461-469. Nº de cites: 53


  • Dacosta-Aguayo R, Graña M, Savio A, Fernández-Andújar M, Millán M, López-Cancio E, Cáceres C, Bargalló N, Garrido C, Barrios M, Clemente I, Hernández M, Munuera-del Cerro JL, Dávalos A, Auer T and Mataró-Serrat M.

    Prognostic Value of Changes in Resting-State Functional Connectivity Patterns in Cognitive Recovery After Stroke: A 3T fMRI Pilot Study

    HUMAN BRAIN MAPPING . 35(8): 3819-3831. Nº de cites: 49


  • Soriano-Raya JJ, Miralbell J, López-Cancio E, Bargalló N, Arenillas JF, Barrios M, Cáceres C, Toran P, Alzamora M, Dávalos A and Mataró-Serrat M.

    Tract-specific fractional anisotropy predicts cognitive outcome in a community sample of middle-aged participants with white matter lesions.

    JOURNAL OF CEREBRAL BLOOD FLOW AND METABOLISM . 34(5): 861-869. Nº de cites: 16


  • Fernández-Andújar M, Soriano-Raya JJ, Miralbell J, López-Cancio E, Cáceres C, Bargalló N, Barrios M, Arenillas JF, Toran P, Alzamora M, Clemente I, Dávalos A and Mataró-Serrat M.

    Thalamic diffusion differences related to cognitive function in white matter lesions.

    NEUROBIOLOGY OF AGING . 35(5): 1103-1110. Nº de cites: 5
