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  • Salvador-Carulla L, Amaddeo F, Gutiérrez-Colosía MR, Salazzari D, Gonzalez-Caballero JL, Montagni I, Tedeschi F, Cetrano G, Chevreul K, Kalseth J, Hagmair G, Straßmayr C, Park AL, Sfetcu R, Wahlbeck K and Garcia-Alonso C.

    Developing a tool for mapping adult mental health care provision in Europe: the REMAST research protocol and its contribution to better integrated care.


  • Madden RH, Glozier N, Fortune N, Dyson M, Gilroy J, Bundy A, Llewellyn G, Salvador-Carulla L, Lukersmith S, Mpofu E and Madden R.

    In search of an integrative measure of functioning.



  • Fernández A, Black J, Jones M, Wilson L, Salvador-Carulla L, Astell-Burt T and Black D.

    Flooding and mental health: a systematic mapping review.

    PLoS One . 10(4): . Nº de cites: 207


  • Rubio-Valera M, Luciano JV, Ortiz, José Miguel, Salvador-Carulla L, Gracia, A. and Serrano-Blanco A.

    Health service use and costs associated with aggressiveness or agitation and containment in adult psychiatric care: a systematic review of the evidence.

    BMC Psychiatry . 15: 35-35. Nº de cites: 41


  • Ferrer M, Andion O, Bendeck M, Calvo N, Prat M, Aragones E, Barral C, Casas M and Salvador-Carulla L.

    Regional analysis of health service utilisation by persons with borderline personality disorders: implications for evidence-informed policy.

    JOURNAL OF MENTAL HEALTH POLICY AND ECONOMICS . 18(1): 17-25. Nº de cites: 3

  • Salvador-Carulla L, Martínez-Leal R, Heyler C, Alvarez-Galvez J, Veenstra MY, García-Ibáñez J, Carpenter S, Bertelli M, Munir K, Torr J and Van Schrojenstein Lantman-de Valk HM.

    Training on intellectual disability in health sciences: the European perspective.

    INT J DEV DISABIL . 61(1): 20-31. Nº de cites: 24


  • Salvador-Carulla L, Fernández A, Madden R, Lukersmith S, Colagiuri R, Torkfar G and Sturmberg J.

    Framing of scientific knowledge as a new category of health care research.

    JOURNAL OF EVALUATION IN CLINICAL PRACTICE . 20(6): 1045-1055. Nº de cites: 25


  • Sturmberg JP, O'Halloran D, Colagiuri R, Fernández A, Lukersmith S, Torkfar G and Salvador-Carulla L.

    Health care frames - from Virchow to Obama and beyond: the changing frames in health care and their implications for patient care.

    JOURNAL OF EVALUATION IN CLINICAL PRACTICE . 20(6): 1036-1044. Nº de cites: 4


  • Rubio-Valera M, Luciano JV, Ortiz JM, Salvador-Carulla L, Haro JM, Anna Gracia Pérez-Bonfils and Serrano-Blanco A.

    Use of Services and Cost of Agitation and Containment in Psychiatric Hospitals: a Systematic Review.

    VALUE IN HEALTH . 17(7): 460-460.


  • Rubio-Valera M, Ortiz JM, Baladon L, Luciano JV, Salvador-Carulla L, Haro JM, Anna Gracia Pérez-Bonfils and Serrano-Blanco A.

    Description of Agitation and Crisis Interventions in a Psychiatric Hospital in Spain: a Qualitative Study.

    VALUE IN HEALTH . 17(7): 463-463.
