Lassaletta A, Zapotocky M, Mistry M, Ramaswamy V, Honnorat M, Krishnatry R, Guerreiro Stucklin A, Zhukova N, Arnoldo A, Ryall S, Ling C, McKeown T, Loukides J, Cruz-Martínez O, de Torres C, Ho CY, Packer RJ, Tatevossian R, Qaddoumi I, Harreld JH, Dalton JD, Mulcahy-Levy J, Foreman N, Karajannis MA, Wang S, Snuderl M, Nageswara Rao A, Giannini C, Kieran M, Ligon KL, Garre ML, Nozza P, Mascelli S, Raso A, Mueller S, Nicolaides T, Silva K, Perbet R, Vasiljevic A, Faure Conter C, Frappaz D, Leary S, Crane C, Chan A, Ng HK, Shi ZF, Mao Y, Finch E, Eisenstat D, Wilson B, Carret AS, Hauser P, Sumerauer D, Krskova L, Larouche V, Fleming A, Zelcer S, Jabado N, Rutka JT, Dirks P, Taylor MD, Chen S, Bartels U, Huang A, Ellison DW, Bouffet E, Hawkins C and Tabori U.
Therapeutic and Prognostic Implications of BRAF V600E in Pediatric Low-Grade Gliomas.
JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY . 35(25): 2934-2941. Nº de cites: 239
Bautista F, Gallego S, Cañete A, Mora J, Díaz de Heredia C, Cruz-Martínez O, Fernández JM, Rives-Solà S, Berlanga P, Hladun R, Juan Ribelles A, Madero L, Ramírez M, Fernández Delgado R, Pérez-Martínez A, Mata C, Llort A, Martín Broto J, Cela ME, Ramírez G, Sábado C, Acha T, Astigarraga I, Sastre A, Muñoz A, Guibelalde M, Moreno L and Sociedad Española de Hematología y Oncología Pediátrica (SEHOP).
Early clinical trials in paediatric oncology in Spain: a nationwide perspective
ANALES DE PEDIATRIA . 87(3): 155-163. Nº de cites: 2
Morales-La Madrid A, Santa-María V, Cruz-Martínez O, Mora J, Puerta Roldan P, Guillen-Quesada A, Suñol M, de Torres C, Lassaletta A, Laperriere N, Villà S and Bouffet E.
Second re-irradiation for DIPG progression, re-considering "old strategies" with new approaches
CHILDS NERVOUS SYSTEM . 33(5): 849-852. Nº de cites: 18
van Zanten SE, Baugh J, Chaney B, De Jongh D, Aliaga ES, Barkhof F, Noltes J, De Wolf R, Van Dijk J, Cannarozzo A, Damen-Korbijn CM, Lieverst JA, Colditz N, Hoffmann M, Warmuth-Metz M, Bison B, Jones DT, Sturm D, Gielen GH, Jones C, Hulleman E, Calmon R, Castel D, Varlet P, Giraud G, Slavc I, Van Gool S, Jacobs S, Jadrijevic-Cvrlje F, Sumerauer D, Nysom K, Pentikainen V, Kivivuori SM, Leblond P, Entz-Werle N, von Bueren AO, Kattamis A, Hargrave DR, Hauser P, Garami M, Thorarinsdottir HK, Pears J, Gandola L, Rutkauskiene G, Janssens GO, Torsvik IK, Perek-Polnik M, Gil-da-Costa MJ, Zheludkova O, Shats L, Deak L, Kitanovski L, Cruz-Martínez O, Morales-La Madrid A, Holm S, Gerber N, Kebudi R, Grundy R, Lopez-Aguilar E, Zapata-Tarres M, Emmerik J, Hayden T, Bailey S, Biassoni V, Massimino M, Grill J, Vandertop WP, Kaspers GJ, Fouladi M, Kramm CM, van Vuurden DG and members of the SIOPE DIPG Network.
Development of the SIOPE DIPG network, registry and imaging repository: a collaborative effort to optimize research into a rare and lethal disease.
JOURNAL OF NEURO-ONCOLOGY . 132(2): 255-266. Nº de cites: 46
Monsonís Cabedo M, Rives-Solà S, Noguera-Julian A, Urrea M, Cruz-Martínez O and Gene-Giralt A.
Assessment of anaerobic blood cultures in pediatric oncology patients
Di Cataldo A, Agodi A, Balaguer J, Garaventa A, Barchitta M, Segura V, Bianchi M, Castel V, Castellano A, Cesaro S, Couselo JM, Cruz-Martínez O, D'Angelo P, De Bernardi B, Donat J, de Andoin NG, Hernandez MI, La Spina M, Lillo M, Lopez-Almaraz R, Luksch R, Mastrangelo S, Mateos E, Molina J, Moscheo C, Mura R, Porta F, Russo G, Tondo A, Torrent M, Vetrella S, Villegas JA, Viscardi E, Zanazzo GA and Cañete A.
Metastatic neuroblastoma in infants: are survival rates excellent only within the stringent framework of clinical trials?
CLINICAL & TRANSLATIONAL ONCOLOGY . 19(1): 76-83. Nº de cites: 9
Figueras-Nart I, Vicente-Villa MA, Sánchez-Schmidt J, Jou-Munoz C, Bordas-Orpinell X, Celis-Passini VP, Cruz-Martínez O and González-Enseñat MA.
Langerhans cell histiocytosis presenting as fingernail changes.
JAAD case reports . 2(6): 485-487.
Moreno L, García Ariza MA, Cruz-Martínez O, Calvo C, Fuster JL, Salinas JA, Moscardo C, Portugal R, Merino JM and Madero L.
Liposomal cytarabine for the treatment of leptomeningeal dissemination of central nervous system tumours in children and adolescents
ANALES DE PEDIATRIA . 85(5): 2741-2748.
Bautista F, Gallego S, Cañete A, Mora J, Diaz de Heredia C, Cruz-Martínez O, Fernández JM, Rives-Solà S, Madero L, Castel V, Cela ME, Ramírez G, Sábado C, Acha T, Astigarraga I, Sastre A, Muñoz A, Guibelalde M and Moreno L.
Landscape of early clinical trials for childhood and adolescence cancer in Spain
CLINICAL & TRANSLATIONAL ONCOLOGY . 18(7): 708-713. Nº de cites: 6
Veldhuijzen van Zanten, S.E.M., Cruz-Martínez O, Kaspers, G.J.L., Hargrave, D.R., van Vuurden, D.G. and Siope Dipg Network.
State of affairs in use of steroids in diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma: an international survey and a review of the literature.
JOURNAL OF NEURO-ONCOLOGY . 128(3): 387-394. Nº de cites: 20