Carrera-García L, Natera-de Benito D, Lleixà C, Ortez-Gonzalez CI, Colomer J, Nascimento-Osorio A, Saiz A, Dalmau J, Querol L and Armangue-Salvador T.
Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy associated with contactin-1 antibodies in a child
Nascimento-Osorio A, Medina Cantillo J, Camacho Salas A, Madruga Garrido M and Vilchez-Padilla JJ.
Consensus on the diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of patients with Duchenne muscular dystrophy
NEUROLOGIA . 34(7): 469-481. Nº de cites: 17
Xiol-Viñas C, Vidal-Falcó S, Pascual-Alonso A, Blasco-Perez L, Brandi-Tarrau N, Pacheco-Fernández P, Gerotina E, O'Callaghan-Gordo M, Pineda M and Armstrong-Moron J.
X chromosome inactivation does not necessarily determine the severity of the phenotype in Rett syndrome patients.
SCIENTIFIC REPORTS . 9(1): 11983-11983. Nº de cites: 15
Domínguez-González C, Madruga-Garrido M, Mavillard F, Garone C, Aguirre-Rodríguez FJ, Donati MA, Kleinsteuber K, Martí I, Martín-Hernández E, Morealejo-Aycinena JP, Munell F, Nascimento-Osorio A, Kalko SG, Sardina MD, Del Vayo CÁ, Serrano O, Long Y, Tu Y, Levin B, Thompson JLP, Engelstad K, Uddin J, Torres-Torronteras J, Jimenez-Mallebrera C, Martí R, Paradas C and Hirano M.
Deoxynucleoside Therapy for Thymidine Kinase 2-Deficient Myopathy
ANNALS OF NEUROLOGY . 86(2): 293-303. Nº de cites: 72
Frongia AL, Natera-de Benito D, Ortez-Gonzalez CI, Alarcón M, Borrás A, Medina J, Vigo-Morancho M, Padrós N, Moya O, Armas J, Carrera-García L, Exposito-Escudero JM, Cuadras-Palleja D, Bernal S, Martorell-Sampol L, Colomer J and Nascimento-Osorio A.
Salbutamol tolerability and efficacy in patients with spinal muscular atrophy type II
NEUROMUSCULAR DISORDERS . 29(7): 517-524. Nº de cites: 15
Carrera-García L, Natera-de Benito D, Dieterich K, de la Banda MGG, Felter A, Inarejos E, Codina-Bergadà A, Jou-Munoz C, Roldan-Molina M, Palau F, Hoenicka J, Pijuan J, Ortez-Gonzalez CI, Exposito-Escudero JM, Durand C, Nugues F, Jimenez-Mallebrera C, Colomer J, Carlier RY, Lochmüller H, Quijano-Roy S and Nascimento-Osorio A.
CHRNG-related nonlethal multiple pterygium syndrome: Muscle imaging pattern and clinical, histopathological, and molecular genetic findings
AMERICAN JOURNAL OF MEDICAL GENETICS PART A . 179(6): 915-926. Nº de cites: 12
Darling A, Aguilera-Albesa S, Tello CA, Serrano M, Tomás M, Camino-León R, Fernández-Ramos J, Jiménez-Escrig A, Poó P, O'Callaghan-Gordo M, Ortez-Gonzalez CI, Nascimento-Osorio A, Fernández Mesaque RC, Madruga M, Arrabal L, Roldan S, Gómez-Martín H, Garrido C, Temudo T, Jou-Munoz C, Muchart-Lopez J, Huisman TAGM, Poretti A, Lupo V, Espinós C and Pérez-Dueñas B.
PLA2G6-associated neurodegeneration: New insights into brain abnormalities and disease progression
PARKINSONISM & RELATED DISORDERS . 61: 179-186. Nº de cites: 29
Gonorazky HD, Naumenko S, Ramani AK, Nelakuditi V, Mashouri P, Wang P, Kao D, Ohri K, Viththiyapaskaran S, Tarnopolsky MA, Mathews KD, Moore SA, Nascimento-Osorio A, Villanova D, Kemaladewi DU, Cohn RD, Brudno M and Dowling JJ.
Expanding the Boundaries of RNA Sequencing as a Diagnostic Tool for Rare Mendelian Disease
AMERICAN JOURNAL OF HUMAN GENETICS . 104(3): 466-483. Nº de cites: 154
Ortez-Gonzalez CI, Natera-de Benito D, Carrera García L, Expósito J, Nolasco G and Nascimento-Osorio A.
Advances in the treatment of Duchenne muscular dystrophy
MEDICINA-BUENOS AIRES . 79: 77-81. Nº de cites: 2
Natera-de Benito D, Ortez-Gonzalez CI, Carrera García L, Expósito J, Bobadilla E and Nascimento-Osorio A.
Diagnosis and treatment of congenital myopaties
MEDICINA-BUENOS AIRES . 79: 82-86. Nº de cites: 3