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  • Morán-Álvarez P, Andreu-Suárez Á, Caballero-Mota L, Gassiot S, Berrueco R, Calzada-Hernández J, Anton-Lopez J, Vázquez-Díaz M and Boteanu A.

    Non-criteria manifestations in the presence of antiphospholipid antibodies in a paediatric cohort

    RHEUMATOLOGY . 61(11): 4465-4471.


  • Sánchez-Manubens J, Henares-Bonilla D, Munoz-Almagro C, Brotons-de los Reyes P, Timoneda-Sole N and Anton-Lopez J.

    Characterization of the nasopharyngeal microbiome in patients with Kawasaki disease

    anales de pediatria . 97(5): 300-309. Nº de cites: 1


  • Foeldvari I, Klotsche J, Kasapcopur O, Adrovic A, Terreri MT, Sakamoto AP, Stanevicha V, Sztajnbok F, Anton-Lopez J, Feldman B, Alexeeva E, Katsicas M, Smith V, Avcin T, Marrani E, Kostik M, Lehman T, Sifuentes-Giraldo WA, Vasquez-Canizares N, Appenzeller S, Janarthanan M, Moll M, Nemcova D, Patwardhan A, Santos MJ, Sawhney S, Schonenberg-Meinema D, Battagliotti C, Berntson L, Bica B, Brunner J, Costa-Reis P, Eleftheriou D, Harel L, Horneff G, Kaiser D, Kallinich T, Lazarevic D, Minden K, Nielsen S, Nuruzzaman F, Uziel Y, Helmus N and Torok KS.

    Differences Sustained Between Diffuse and Limited Forms of Juvenile Systemic Sclerosis in an Expanded International Cohort

    ARTHRITIS CARE & RESEARCH . 74(10): 1575-1584. Nº de cites: 18


  • Abbasi A, Batllori-Tragant M, Gil-Sáez FJ, Rodríguez-Pintó I, Anton-Lopez J and Iglesias-Jimenez E.

    Importance of the determination of enzymatic activity in the diagnosis of deficiency of adenosine deaminase 2 (DADA2)

    MEDICINA CLINICA . 159(6): 283-286. Nº de cites: 1


  • Ortigoza-Escobar JD, Fernández de Sevilla-Estrach M, Monfort L, Anton-Lopez J, Iglesias-Jimenez E, Rebollo M, Del Prado-Sanchez C, Arostegui JI, Mensa-Vilaró A, Alsina L, Rodriguez-Vigil Iturrate C, Niemeyer CM, Jou-Munoz C and Català-Temprano A.

    Cytokine profile and brain biopsy in a case of childhood-onset central nervous system vasculitis in Noonan syndrome-like disorder due to a novel CBL variant

    JOURNAL OF NEUROIMMUNOLOGY . 369: 577917-577917. Nº de cites: 4


  • Pfeifer J, Thurner B, Kessel C, Fadle N, Kheiroddin P, Regitz E, Hoffmann MC, Kos IA, Preuss KD, Fischer Y, Roemer K, Lohse S, Heyne K, Detemple MC, Fedlmeier M, Juenger H, Sauer H, Meyer S, Rohrer T, Wittkowski H, Becker SL, Masjosthusmann K, Bals R, Gerling S, Smola S, Bewarder M, Birk E, Keren A, Böhm M, Jakob A, Abdul-Khaliq H, Anton-Lopez J, Kabesch M, Pino-Ramirez RM, Foell D and Thurner L.

    Autoantibodies against interleukin-1 receptor antagonist in multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children: a multicentre, retrospective, cohort study

    LANCET RHEUMATOLOGY . 4(5): 329-337. Nº de cites: 40


  • Giancane G, Papa R, Vastert S, Bagnasco F, Swart JF, Quartier P, Anton-Lopez J, Kamphuis S, Sanner H, Glerup M, De Benedetti F, Tsitsami E, Remesal A, Moreno E, De Inocencio J, Myrup C, Pallotti C, Koné-Paut I, Franck-Larsson K, Malmström H, Cederholm S, Pistorio A, Wulffraat N, Ruperto N and Paediatric Rheumatology International Trials Organisation (PRINTO).

    Anakinra in Patients With Systemic Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis: Long-term Safety From the Pharmachild Registry

    JOURNAL OF RHEUMATOLOGY . 49(4): 398-407. Nº de cites: 16


  • Foeldvari I, Klotsche J, Hinrichs B, Helmus N, Kasapcopur O, Adrovic A, Sztajnbok F, Terreri MT, Anton-Lopez J, Smith V, Katsicas M, Kostik M, Vasquez-Canizares N, Avcin T, Feldman B, Janarthanan M, Santos MJ, Sawhney S, Schonenberg-Meinema D, Sifuentes-Giraldo WA, Alexeeva E, Appenzeller S, Battagliotti C, Berntson L, Bica B, Costa Reis P, Eleftheriou D, Kallinich T, Lehman T, Marrani E, Minden K, Nielsen S, Nuruzzaman F, Patwardhan A, Khubchandani R, Stanevicha V, Uziel Y and Torok KS.

    Underdetection of Interstitial Lung Disease in Juvenile Systemic Sclerosis

    ARTHRITIS CARE & RESEARCH . 74(3): 364-370. Nº de cites: 13


  • Saper VE, Ombrello MJ, Tremoulet AH, Montero-Martin G, Prahalad S, Canna S, Shimizu C, Deutsch G, Tan SY, Remmers EF, Monos D, Hahn T, Phadke OK, Cassidy E, Ferguson I, Mallajosyula V, Xu J, Rosa Duque JS, Chua GT, Ghosh D, Szymanski AM, Rubin D, Burns JC, Tian L, Fernandez-Vina MA, Mellins ED and Hollenbach JA.

    Severe delayed hypersensitivity reactions to IL-1 and IL-6 inhibitors link to common HLA-DRB1*15 alleles.

    ANNALS OF THE RHEUMATIC DISEASES . 81(3): 406-415. Nº de cites: 66


  • Bustaffa M, Koné-Paut I, Ozen S, Amaryan G, Papadopoulou-Alataki E, Gallizzi R, Carrabba M, Aviel YB, Cantarini L, Alessio M, Anton-Lopez J, Obici L, Gok F, Batu ED, Moreno E, Brogan P, Trachana M, Simonini G, Rigante D, Uziel Y, Insalaco A, Maggio MC, Ruperto N, Gattorno M and Semerano LR.

    The impact of the Eurofever criteria and the new InFevers MEFV classification in real life: Results from a large international FMF cohort

    SEMINARS IN ARTHRITIS AND RHEUMATISM . 52: 151957-151957. Nº de cites: 6
