Buscador de publicaciones


  • Suárez-Pellicioni M, Nunez MI and Colomé À.

    Reactive recruitment of attentional control in math anxiety: an ERP study of numeric conflict monitoring and adaptation.

    PLoS One . 9(6): . Nº de citas: 42


  • Suárez-Pellicioni M, Nunez MI and Colomé A.

    Mathematical anxiety effects on simple arithmetic processing efficiency: an event-related potential study.

    BIOLOGICAL PSYCHOLOGY . 94(3): 517-526. Nº de citas: 40


  • Suárez-Pellicioni M, Nunez MI and Colomé A.

    Abnormal error monitoring in math-anxious individuals: evidence from error-related brain potentials.

    PLoS One . 8(11): . Nº de citas: 29


  • Nunez MI, Suarez-Pellicioni, Macarena, Guilera, Georgina and Mercade-Carranza, Clara.

    A Spanish version of the short Mathematics Anxiety Rating Scale (sMARS)

    LEARN INDIVID DIFFER . 24: 204-210. Nº de citas: 46


  • Nunez MI and Suárez-Pellicioni M.

    Processing false solutions in additions: differences between high- and lower-skilled arithmetic problem-solvers.

    EXPERIMENTAL BRAIN RESEARCH . 218(4): 655-663. Nº de citas: 16


  • Nunez MI, Cortiñas M and Escera C.

    Problem size effect and processing strategies in mental arithmetic.

    Neuroreport . 17(4): 357-360. Nº de citas: 41


  • Nunez MI, Aznar JA, Linares D, Corral MJ and Escera C.

    Effects of dynamic rotation on event-related brain potentials.

    Cognitive Brain Research . 24(2): 307-316. Nº de citas: 16


  • Nunez MI, Honrubia-Serrano ML and Escera C.

    Problem size effect in additions and subtractions: an event-related potential study.

    NEUROSCIENCE LETTERS . 373(1): 21-25. Nº de citas: 34
