Buscador de publicaciones


  • Valero R, Bayés M, Francisca Sánchez-Font M, González-Angulo O, Gonzalez R and Marfany G.

    Characterization of alternatively spliced products and tissue-specific isoforms of USP28 and USP25.

    Genome Biology . 2(10): .


  • Cervantes S, Gonzalez R and Marfany G.

    Homodimerization of presenilin N-terminal fragments is affected by mutations linked to Alzheimer's disease.

    FEBS LETTERS . 505(1): 81-86. Nº de citas: 39


  • Valero R, Marfany G, González-Angulo O, González-González G, Puelles L and Gonzalez R.

    USP25, a novel gene encoding a deubiquitinating enzyme, is located in the gene-poor region 21q11.2.

    Genomics . 62(3): 395-405. Nº de citas: 49


  • Valero R, Marfany G, Gil-Benso R, Ibáñez MA, López-Pajares I, Prieto F, Rullan G, Sarret E and Gonzalez R.

    Molecular characterisation of partial chromosome 21 aneuploidies by fluorescent PCR.

    JOURNAL OF MEDICAL GENETICS . 36(9): 694-699. Nº de citas: 16

  • Vivas MV, García-Planells J, Ruiz C, Marfany G, Paricio N, Gonzalez R and de Frutos R.

    GEM, a cluster of repetitive sequences in the Drosophila subobscura genome.

    Gene . 229(1-2): 47-57. Nº de citas: 12


  • Luque T, Hjelmqvist L, Marfany G, Danielsson O, El-Ahmad M, Persson B, Jörnvall H and Gonzalez R.

    Sorbitol dehydrogenase of Drosophila. Gene, protein, and expression data show a two-gene system.

    JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY . 273(51): 34293-34301. Nº de citas: 16


  • Marfany G, Del-Favero J, Valero R, De Jonghe C, Woodrow S, Hendriks L, Van Broeckhoven C and Gonzalez R.

    Identification of a Drosophila presenilin homologue: evidence of alternatively spliced forms.

    J NEUROGENET . 12(1): 41-54. Nº de citas: 10


  • Luque T, Marfany G and Gonzalez R.

    Characterization and molecular analysis of Adh retrosequences in species of the Drosophila obscura group.

    MOL BIOL EVOL . 14(12): 1316-1325. Nº de citas: 9


  • Albalat R, Marfany G and Gonzalez R.

    Analysis of nucleotide substitutions and amino acid conservation in the Drosophila Adh genomic region.

    Genetica . 94(1): 27-36. Nº de citas: 11


  • Chabás A, Castellvi S, Bayés M, Balcells S, Grinberg-Vaisman DR, Vilageliu L, Marfany G, Lissens W and Gonzalez R.

    Frequency of the arylsulphatase A pseudodeficiency allele in the Spanish population.

    CLINICAL GENETICS . 44(6): 320-323. Nº de citas: 19
