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The role of clinical, genetic and segregation evaluation in sudden infant death
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Grazioli G, Merino B, Montserrat S, Vidal B, Azqueta M, Pare C, Sarquella-Brugada G, Yangüas X, Pi R, Til L, Escoda J, Brugada-Terradellas J and Sitges M.
Usefulness of Echocardiography in Preparticipation Screening of Competitive Athletes
REVISTA ESPANOLA DE CARDIOLOGIA . 67(9): 701-705. Nº de citas: 41
Alcalde M, Campuzano O, Berne P, García-Pavía P, Doltra A, Arbelo E, Sarquella-Brugada G, Iglesias A, Alonso-Pulpon L, Brugada-Terradellas J and Brugada R.
Stop-Gain Mutations in PKP2 Are Associated with a Later Age of Onset of Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular Cardiomyopathy
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Carolina Pérez Negueruela, Arango C, César-Díaz S, Bartrons J, Carretero-Bellón, Sarquella-Brugada G, Mayol J, Prada F and Caffarena-Calvar JM.
Nueve casos de origen anómalo de una arteria coronaria
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Brugada syndrome.
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Pharmacological and non-pharmacological therapy for arrhythmias in the pediatric population: EHRA and AEPC-Arrhythmia Working Group joint consensus statement
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Sarquella-Brugada G, Mivelaz Y and Dahdah N.
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Campuzano O, Alcalde M, Allegue C, Iglesias A, García-Pavía P, Partemi S, Oliva A, Pascali VL, Berne P, Sarquella-Brugada G, Brugada-Terradellas J, Brugada P and Brugada R.
Genetics of arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy
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Sarquella-Brugada G, Campuzano O, Iglesias A, Sánchez-Malagón J, Guerra-Balic M, Brugada-Terradellas J and Brugada R.
Genetics of sudden cardiac death in children and young athletes
CARDIOLOGY IN THE YOUNG . 23(2): 159-173. Nº de citas: 20
Boudjemline Y, Sarquella-Brugada G, Kamache I, Patel M, Ladouceur M, Bonnet D, Boughenou FM, Fraisse A and Iserin L.
Impact of right ventricular outflow tract size and substrate on outcomes of percutaneous pulmonary valve implantation
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