Search publications


  • Arias de la Torre J, Gemma Vilagut Saiz, Ronaldson A, Bakolis I, Dregan A, Navarro-Mateu F, Pérez K, Szücs A, Bartoll-Roca X, Molina AJ, Elices M, Pérez-Solá V, Martín V, Serrano-Blanco A, Valderas JM and Alonso J.

    Reconsidering the Use of Population Health Surveys for Monitoring of Mental Health

    JMIR Public Health and Surveillance . 9: 48138-48138. Number of citations: 1


  • Viprey M, Mougeot F, Dima AL, Haesebaert J, Occelli P, Durieu I, Rouzé H, Reynaud Q and Touzet S.

    A Participatory Approach Involving Patients with Cystic Fibrosis and Healthcare Professionals for the Co-Design of an Adherence-Enhancing Intervention Toolkit



  • Fuente M, Clara García Terol, Domínguez-Salas S, Rubio-Valera M and Motrico E.

    Maternity care changes and postpartum mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic: a Spanish cross-sectional study

    JOURNAL OF REPRODUCTIVE AND INFANT PSYCHOLOGY . 42(4): 1-16. Number of citations: 2


  • Vázquez ML, Vargas I, Rubio-Valera M, Aznar I, Eguiguren P, Mogollón-Pérez AS, Torres AL, Peralta A, Dias S and Jervelund SS.

    Improving equity in access to early diagnosis of cancer in different healthcare systems of Latin America: protocol for the EquityCancer-LA implementation-effectiveness hybrid study.

    BMJ Open . 12(12): . Number of citations: 2


  • Corral C, Sanchez A, Gil MM, Peñarrubia-María MT, Aznar I, Serrano-Blanco A, Carbonell-Duacastella C, Gallardo MC, Mari Carmen Olmos Palenzuela and Rubio-Valera M.

    Improving Initial Medication Adherence to cardiovascular disease and diabetes treatments in primary care: Pilot trial of a complex intervention.

    Frontiers in public health . 10: 1038138-1038138. Number of citations: 3


  • Recio-Rodriguez JI, Garcia-Ortiz L, Garcia-Yu IA, Lugones-Sanchez C, Olmo EZ, Bolibar B, Casajuana-Closas M, Lopez-Jimenez T, Llobera J, Ramos R, Pombo H, Motrico E, Gil MM, Lopez-Mendez F, Represas-Carrera F and Maderuelo-Fernandez JA.

    Effectiveness of a multiple health-behaviour-change intervention in increasing adherence to the Mediterranean Diet in adults (EIRA study): a randomized controlled hybrid trial

    BMC Public Health . 22(1): 2127-2127. Number of citations: 1


  • Soler M, Aznar I, Basile L, Soldevila N, Godoy P, Martínez A, Serrano-Blanco A, Domínguez A and The Surveillance of Hospitalized Cases of Severe Influenza in Catalonia Working.

    Costs and Factors Associated with Hospitalizations Due to Severe Influenza in Catalonia (2017-2020).



  • Papus M, Dima AL, Viprey M, Schott AM, Schneider MP and Novais T.

    Motivational interviewing to support medication adherence in adults with chronic conditions: Systematic review of randomized controlled trials.

    PATIENT EDUCATION AND COUNSELING . 105(11): 3186-3203. Number of citations: 21


  • Corral C, Sanchez A, Gil MM, Peñarrubia-María MT, Aznar I, Gallardo MC, Mari Carmen Olmos Palenzuela and Rubio-Valera M.

    Complex multidisciplinary intervention to improve Initial Medication Adherence to cardiovascular disease and diabetes treatments in primary care (the IMA-cRCT study): mixed-methods process evaluation protocol.

    BMJ Open . 12(10): . Number of citations: 2


  • Olaya B, Van der Feltz-Cornelis CM, Hakkaart-van Roijen L, Merecz-Kot D, Sinokki M, Naumanen P, Shepherd J, van Krugten F, de Mul M, Staszewska K, Vorstenbosch E, de Miquel C, Antunes R, Ayuso-Mateos JL, Salvador-Carulla L, Borrega O, Sabariego C, Bernard RM, Vanroelen C, Gevaert J, Van Aerden K, Raggi A, Seghezzi F and Haro JM.

    Study protocol of EMPOWER: A cluster randomized trial of a multimodal eHealth intervention for promoting mental health in the workplace following a stepped wedge trial design.

    Digital Health . 8: . Number of citations: 5
