Search publications


  • Camprodon-Rosanas E, Ribas-Fitó N, Batlle S, Persavento C, Alvarez-Pedrerol M, Sunyer J and Forns J.

    Association Between Sluggish Cognitive Tempo Symptoms and Attentional Network and Working Memory in Primary Schoolchildren

    JOURNAL OF ATTENTION DISORDERS . 24(13): 1787-1795. Number of citations: 10


  • Amat-Bou M, Garcia-Ribera S, Climent E, Piquer-Garcia I, Corripio R, Sánchez-Infantes D, Villalta L, MARIA ELIAS ABADIAS, Jimenez-Chillaron JC, Chenoll E, Ramón D, Ibañez-Toda L, Ramon-Krauel M and Lerin C.

    Effects of Bifidobacterium animalis Subsp. lactis (BPL1) Supplementation in Children and Adolescents with Prader-Willi Syndrome: A Randomized Crossover Trial

    Nutrients . 12(10): 3123. Number of citations: 14


  • Sánchez Fernández B, Gaínza-Lein M, Barcia Aguilar C, Amengual-Gual M and Loddenkemper T.

    The burden of decisional uncertainty in the treatment of status epilepticus

    Epilepsia . 61(10): 2150-2162. Number of citations: 5


  • Mollà L, Günther-Bel, Cristina, Vilaregut Puigdesens, Anna, Campreciós Orriols, Meritxell and Matalí JL.

    Instruments for the Assessment of Coparenting: A Systematic Review

    JOURNAL OF CHILD AND FAMILY STUDIES . 29(9): 2487-2506. Number of citations: 14


  • Matalí JL, Ania Perez Racana, Oberst U, Lleras M, Bertomeu P and Elena Flores Márquez.

    Seclusion in adolescents with IGD: New diagnostic criteria or measure of severity?

    COMPUTERS IN HUMAN BEHAVIOR . 110: 106394. Number of citations: 6


  • Tor J, Dolz M, Sintes A, de la Serna E, Puig O, Muñoz D, Pardo M, Rodríguez-Pascual M, Sugranyes G, Sánchez-Gistau V and Baeza I.

    Neuropsychological profile of children and adolescents with psychosis risk syndrome: the CAPRIS study.

    EUROPEAN CHILD & ADOLESCENT PSYCHIATRY . 29(9): 1311-1324. Number of citations: 12


  • Matalí JL, Pérez-Racana A, Elena Flores Márquez, Lleras M, Goti J and Kaminer Y.

    Goal commitment evolution in a Spanish adolescent sample with cannabis use disorder.

    ADDICTIVE BEHAVIORS . 107: 106388-106388. Number of citations: 2


  • Insa Pineda I, Huguet Miguel A, Chamorro Fernández M, Espadas Tejerina M, González CLG and Alda JA.

    ADHD Symptoms, Academic and Social Difficulties in Parents of Children with ADHD

    PSYCHIATRY-INTERPERSONAL AND BIOLOGICAL PROCESSES . 83(3): 231-243. Number of citations: 2


  • Bergé D, Mané A, Lesh TA, Bioque M, Barcones F, Gonzalez-Pinto AM, Parellada M, Vieta E, Castro-Fornieles J, Rodriguez-Jimenez R, García-Portilla MP, Usall J, Carter CS, Bibiana Cabrera Llorca, Bernardo M and Janssen J.

    Elevated Extracellular Free-Water in a Multicentric First-Episode Psychosis Sample, Decrease During the First 2 Years of Illness.

    SCHIZOPHRENIA BULLETIN . 46(4): 846-856. Number of citations: 13


  • Amengual-Gual M, Sánchez Fernández B, Vasquez A and Loddenkemper T.

    Retrospective observational study on hospital readmission for status epilepticus in the United States over 2016

    Epilepsia . 61(7): 1386-1396. Number of citations: 6
