Search publications


  • Sánchez Fernández B, Amengual-Gual M, Gaínza-Lein M, Barcia Aguilar C, Bergin AM, Yuskaitis CJ and Harini C.

    Cost-effectiveness of adrenocorticotropic hormone versus oral steroids for infantile spasms.

    Epilepsia . 62(2): 347-357. Number of citations: 19


  • Insa I, Alda JA, Chamorro M, Espadas M and Huguet A.

    Difference in Psychic Distress Lived by Parents With ADHD Children and Parents With Healthy Children: Focus on Gender Differences.

    JOURNAL OF ATTENTION DISORDERS . 25(3): 332-339. Number of citations: 6


  • Laporta-Herrero I, Jáuregui-Lobera I, Barajas-Iglesias B, Serrano E, Garcia-Argibay M and Santed-Germán MÁ.

    Attachment to parents and friends and body dissatisfaction in adolescents with eating disorders.

    CLINICAL CHILD PSYCHOLOGY AND PSYCHIATRY . 26(1): 154-166. Number of citations: 9


  • Sanabra M, Gómez T and Alda JA.

    Efectos del tratamiento farmacológico estimulante sobre los patrones de actividad circadiana en niños con trastorno por déficit de atención/hiperactividad.

    REVISTA DE NEUROLOGIA . 71(12): 438-446. Number of citations: 1


  • Bajic SS, Canas MA, Tolinacki M, Badia-Palacin J, Sánchez Fernández B, Golic N, Margolles A, Baldoma L and Ruas-Madiedo P.

    Proteomic profile of extracellular vesicles released by Lactiplantibacillus plantarum BGAN8 and their internalization by non-polarized HT29 cell line.

    SCIENTIFIC REPORTS . 10(1): 21829-21829. Number of citations: 45


  • Barcia Aguilar C, Sánchez Fernández B and Loddenkemper T.

    Status Epilepticus-Work-Up and Management in Children

    SEMINARS IN NEUROLOGY . 40(06): 661-674. Number of citations: 8


  • González-Ortega I, González-Pinto A, Alberich S, Echeburúa E, Bernardo M, Cabrera B, Amoretti S, Lobo A, Arango C, Corripio I, Vieta E, de la Serna E, Rodriguez-Jimenez R, Segarra R, López-Ilundain JM, Sánchez-Torres AM, Cuesta MJ, PEPs Group:, Zorrilla I, López P, Bioque M, Mezquida G, Barcones F, De-la-Cámara C, Parellada M, Espliego A, Alonso-Solís A, Grasa EM, Varo C, Montejo L, Castro-Fornieles J, Baeza I, Dompablo M, Torio I, Zabala A, Eguiluz JI, Moreno-Izco L, Sanjuan J, Guirado R, Cáceres I, Garnier P, Contreras F, Bobes J, Al-Halabí S, Usall J, Butjosa A, Sarró S, Landin-Romero R, Ibáñez A and Selva G.

    Influence of social cognition as a mediator between cognitive reserve and psychosocial functioning in patients with first episode psychosis.

    PSYCHOLOGICAL MEDICINE . 50(16): 1-9. Number of citations: 40


  • Fullana MA, Abramovitch A, Via E, López-Sola C, Goldberg X, Reina N, Fortea L, Solanes A, Buckley MJ, Ramella-Cravaro V, Carvalho AF, Tortella-Feliu M, Vieta E, Soriano-Mas C, Lázaro L, Stein DJ, Fernández de la Cruz L, Mataix-Cols D and Radua J.

    Diagnostic biomarkers for obsessive-compulsive disorder: A reasonable quest or ignis fatuus?

    NEUROSCIENCE AND BIOBEHAVIORAL REVIEWS . 118: 504-513. Number of citations: 24


  • Fernández-Aranda F, Munguía L, Mestre-Bach G, Steward T, Etxandi M, Baenas I, Granero R, Sánchez I, Ortega E, Andreu A, Moize VL, Fernández-Real JM, Tinahones FJ, Diegüez C, Frühbeck G, Le Grange D, Tchanturia K, Karwautz A, Zeiler M, Favaro A, Claes L, Luyckx K, Shekriladze I, Serrano E, Rangil T, Meler MEL, Soriano-Pacheco J, Carceller-Sindreu M, Bujalance-Arguijo S, Lozano M, Linares R, Gudiol C, Carratala J, Sanchez-Gonzalez J, Machado PP, Håkansson A, Túry F, Pászthy B, Stein D, Papezová H, Bax B, Borisenkov MF, Popov SV, Kim YR, Nakazato M, Godart N, van Voren R, Ilnytska T, Chen J, Rowlands K, Treasure J and Jiménez-Murcia S.

    COVID Isolation Eating Scale (CIES): Analysis of the impact of confinement in eating disorders and obesity-A collaborative international study.

    EUROPEAN EATING DISORDERS REVIEW . 28(6): 871-883. Number of citations: 57


  • Cuevas-Esteban J, Iglesias M, Serra-Mestres J, Butjosa A, Canal-Rivero M, Serrano-Blanco A and Baladon L.

    Catatonia in elderly psychiatric inpatients is not always associated with intense anxiety: Factor analysis and correlation with psychopathology.

    INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GERIATRIC PSYCHIATRY . 35(11): 1409-1417. Number of citations: 12
