Mora J, Cheung, NKV, Juan, G, Illei, P, Cheung, I, Akram, M, Chi, S, Ladanyi, M, Cordon-Cardo, C and Gerald, WL.
Neuroblastic and Schwannian stromal cells of neuroblastoma are derived from a tumoral progenitor cell
CANCER RESEARCH . 61(18): 6892-6898. Number of citations: 81
Mora J, Cheung NK and Gerald WL.
Genetic heterogeneity and clonal evolution in neuroblastoma
BRITISH JOURNAL OF CANCER . 85(2): 182-189. Number of citations: 39
Mora J, Cheung, NKV, Chen, LS, Qin, J and Gerald, W.
Loss of heterozygosity at 19q13.3 is associated with locally aggressive neuroblastoma
CLINICAL CANCER RESEARCH . 7(5): 1358-1361. Number of citations: 52
Mora J, Cheung NK, Chen L, Qin J and Gerald W.
Survival analysis of clinical, pathologic, and genetic features in neuroblastoma presenting as locoregional disease
CANCER . 91(2): 435-442. Number of citations: 24
Soengas, MS, Capodieci, P, Polsky, D, Mora J, Esteller, M, Opitz-Araya, X, McCombie, R, Herman, JG, Gerald, WL, Lazebnik, YA, Cordon-Cardo, C and Lowe, SW.
Inactivation of the apoptosis effector Apaf-1 in malignant melanoma
Nature . 409(6817): 207-211. Number of citations: 913
Mora J, Gerald, WL, Qin, J and Cheung, NKV.
Molecular genetics of neuroblastoma and the implications for clinical management: A review of the MSKCC experience
Oncologist . 6(3): 263-268. Number of citations: 17
Cheung, NKV, Kushner, BH, LaQuaglia, M, Kramer, K, Gollamudi, S, Heller, G, Gerald, W, Yeh, S, Finn, R, Larson, SM, Wuest, D, Byrnes, M, Dantis, E, Mora J, Cheung, IY, Rosenfield, N, Abramson, S and O'Reilly, RJ.
N7: A novel multi-modality therapy of high risk neuroblastoma (NB) in children diagnosed over 1 year of age
Medical And Pediatric Oncology . 36(1): 227-230. Number of citations: 104
Mora J, Akram, M, Cheung, NKV, Chen, L and Gerald, WL.
Laser-capture microdissected Schwannian and neuroblastic cells in stage 4 neuroblastomas have the same genetic alterations
Medical And Pediatric Oncology . 35(6): 534-537. Number of citations: 9
Mora J, Dobrenis, AM, Bussel, JB and Aledo, A.
Spontaneous remission of congenital acute nonlymphoblastic leukemia with normal karyotype in twins
Medical And Pediatric Oncology . 35(2): 110-113. Number of citations: 17
Mora J, Cheung, NKV, Kushner, BH, LaQuaglia, MP, Kramer, K, Fazzari, M, Heller, G, Chen, LS and Gerald, WL.
Clinical categories of neuroblastoma are associated with different patterns of loss of heterozygosity on chromosome arm 1p
JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR DIAGNOSTICS . 2(1): 37-46. Number of citations: 58