Search publications


  • Mora J, Gerald WL and Cheung NK.

    Evolving significance of prognostic markers associated with new treatment strategies in neuroblastoma

    CANCER LETTERS . 197(1-2): 119-124. Number of citations: 23


  • Mora J, Gerald, WL, Qin, J and Cheung, NKV.

    Evolving significance of prognostic markers associated with treatment improvement in patients with stage 4 neuroblastoma

    CANCER . 94(10): 2756-2765. Number of citations: 25


  • Mora J, Cheung, NKV, Oplanich, S, Chen, LS and Gerald, WL.

    Novel regions of allelic imbalance identified by genome-wide analysis of neuroblastoma

    CANCER RESEARCH . 62(6): 1761-1767. Number of citations: 20

  • Mora J, Cheung, NKV, Juan, G, Illei, P, Cheung, I, Akram, M, Chi, S, Ladanyi, M, Cordon-Cardo, C and Gerald, WL.

    Neuroblastic and Schwannian stromal cells of neuroblastoma are derived from a tumoral progenitor cell

    CANCER RESEARCH . 61(18): 6892-6898. Number of citations: 80

  • Mora J, Cheung NK and Gerald WL.

    Genetic heterogeneity and clonal evolution in neuroblastoma

    BRITISH JOURNAL OF CANCER . 85(2): 182-189. Number of citations: 39


  • Mora J, Cheung, NKV, Chen, LS, Qin, J and Gerald, W.

    Loss of heterozygosity at 19q13.3 is associated with locally aggressive neuroblastoma

    CLINICAL CANCER RESEARCH . 7(5): 1358-1361. Number of citations: 51

  • Mora J, Cheung NK, Chen L, Qin J and Gerald W.

    Survival analysis of clinical, pathologic, and genetic features in neuroblastoma presenting as locoregional disease

    CANCER . 91(2): 435-442. Number of citations: 23


  • Soengas, MS, Capodieci, P, Polsky, D, Mora J, Esteller, M, Opitz-Araya, X, McCombie, R, Herman, JG, Gerald, WL, Lazebnik, YA, Cordon-Cardo, C and Lowe, SW.

    Inactivation of the apoptosis effector Apaf-1 in malignant melanoma

    Nature . 409(6817): 207-211. Number of citations: 905


  • Mora J, Gerald, WL, Qin, J and Cheung, NKV.

    Molecular genetics of neuroblastoma and the implications for clinical management: A review of the MSKCC experience

    Oncologist . 6(3): 263-268. Number of citations: 15


  • Cheung, NKV, Kushner, BH, LaQuaglia, M, Kramer, K, Gollamudi, S, Heller, G, Gerald, W, Yeh, S, Finn, R, Larson, SM, Wuest, D, Byrnes, M, Dantis, E, Mora J, Cheung, IY, Rosenfield, N, Abramson, S and O'Reilly, RJ.

    N7: A novel multi-modality therapy of high risk neuroblastoma (NB) in children diagnosed over 1 year of age

    Medical And Pediatric Oncology . 36(1): 227-230. Number of citations: 99
