Search publications


  • Lezama-Del Valle P, Krauel L and LaQuaglia MP.

    Error traps and culture of safety in pediatric surgical oncology.

    SEMIN PEDIATR SURG . 28(3): 164-171. Number of citations: 2


  • Blanco, AM, Krauel L and Artes, FF.

    Development of a patients-specific 3D-printed preoperative planning and training tool, with functionalized internal surfaces, for complex oncologic cases

    RAPID PROTOTYPING JOURNAL . 25(2): 363-377. Number of citations: 19


  • Soria A, Riaza L, Cuadras-Palleja D, Tarrado X and Krauel L.

    Ileocolic intussusception: Predicting the probability of success of ultrasound guided saline enema from clinical and sonographic data.

    JOURNAL OF PEDIATRIC SURGERY . 53(4): 599-604. Number of citations: 20


  • Krauel L, De Haro-Jorge I, Carrasco-Torrents R, Vancells M and Mora J.

    Upfront Nephrectomy for the Treatment of Wilms Tumor: Outcomes and Predictors of Complications

    Journal of Child Science . 8: 21-26.


  • Correa Jorquera J and Krauel L.

    Vena cava superior izquierda persistente: su importancia clínica.

    ANALES DE PEDIATRIA . 85(2): 110-111. Number of citations: 2


  • Krauel L, Fenollosa F, Riaza L, Pérez M, Tarrado X, Morales-La Madrid A, Gomà J and Mora J.

    Use of 3D Prototypes for Complex Surgical Oncologic Cases

    WORLD JOURNAL OF SURGERY . 40(4): 889-894. Number of citations: 44


  • Garcia-Aparicio L, Blázquez-Gómez E, Oriol Martín Solé, Krauel L, de Haro I and Rodo J.

    Bacterial characteristics and clinical significance of ureteral double-J stents in children.

    ACTAS UROLOGICAS ESPANOLAS . 39(1): 53-56. Number of citations: 8


  • Prat J, Albert A, Tarrado X, Krauel L, Cruz R, Moreno-Álvarez O, Fuste V and Castañón M.

    Airway and vascular maturation stimulated by tracheal occlusion do not correlate in the rabbit model of diaphragmatic hernia.

    PEDIATRIC RESEARCH . 75(4): 487-492. Number of citations: 7


  • Riachy E, Krauel L, Rich BS, McEvoy MP, Honeyman JN, Boulad F, Wolden SL, Herr HW and La Quaglia MP.

    Risk factors and predictors of severity score and complications of pediatric hemorrhagic cystitis.

    JOURNAL OF UROLOGY . 191(1): 186-192. Number of citations: 28


  • Garcia-Aparicio L, Rodo J, Krauel L, Palazón-Bellver P, Oriol Martín Solé and Ribó JM.

    High pressure balloon dilation of the ureterovesical junction--first line approach to treat primary obstructive megaureter?

    JOURNAL OF UROLOGY . 187(5): 1834-1838. Number of citations: 35
