Díaz-Sabogal D, Curcoy-Barcenilla AI, Trenchs-Sainz de la Maza V, Giménez-Roca CI and Luaces-Cubells C.
Malalties de transmissió sexual a urgències pediàtriques
Pediatría Catalana . 74(4): 159-162.
Hernández-Bou S, Trenchs-Sainz de la Maza V, Alarcón M and Luaces-Cubells C.
Afebrile Very Young Infants With Urinary Tract Infection and the Risk for Bacteremia
PEDIATRIC INFECTIOUS DISEASE JOURNAL . 33(3): 244-247. Number of citations: 21
Giménez Roca C, Martínez-Sánchez L, Calzada Baños Y, Trenchs-Sainz de la Maza V, Quintillá-Martínez JM and Luaces-Cubells C.
Assessment of quality indicators in pediatric poisoning in an emergency; service
ANALES DE PEDIATRIA . 80(1): 34-40. Number of citations: 5
Fernandez Diaz V, Ortigoza-Escobar JD, Noguera-Julián A, Fortuny-Guasch C, Trenchs-Sainz de la Maza V and YOLANDA FERNÁNDEZ SANTERVAS.
Human immunodeficiency virus serology in a pediatric emergency department: reasons for ordering tests and the characteristics of positive cases
EMERGENCIAS . 25(4): 289-291. Number of citations: 2
Triviño-Rodríguez M, Trenchs-Sainz de la Maza V, Curcoy-Barcenilla AI, Rosendo Ullot Font and Pou Fernández J.
Són realment infreqüents les fractures d’os llarg en nens menors de 2 anys?
Pediatría Catalana . 73(2): 54-56.
Deyà-Martinez A, Claret-Teruel G, Fernandez-Santervas Y, Trenchs-Sainz de la Maza V, Gonzalez-Alvarez V and Luaces-Cubells C.
Should a more interventionist approach be taken in A&E departments with atypical febrile seizures? Three years' experience in a tertiary hospital
REVISTA DE NEUROLOGIA . 56(7): 353-358. Number of citations: 3
Trenchs-Sainz de la Maza V, Curcoy Barcenilla AI, Gelabert Colome G, Macias Borras C and Pou Fernández J.
Hospital admissions due to child maltreatment over a fifteen year period
ANALES DE PEDIATRIA . 78(2): 118-122. Number of citations: 1
Rodríguez-Fanjul J, Hernández-Bou S, Trenchs-Sainz de la Maza V and Luaces-Cubells C.
Positive blood cultures in a pediatric emergency department: a descriptive analysis
EMERGENCIAS . 24(5): 386-388. Number of citations: 6
Parra Cotanda C, Asensio Carretero S, Trenchs-Sainz de la Maza V and Luaces-Cubells C.
Are we prepared for a disaster? Spanish multicentre study
ANALES DE PEDIATRIA . 77(3): 158-164. Number of citations: 2
Vila-Perez D, Muñoz-Santanach D, Trenchs-Sainz de la Maza V, Badosa Pages J, Luaces-Cubells C and Pou Fernández J.
Patients with cerebrospinal fluid shunt: radiation during two years of; follow-up
ANALES DE PEDIATRIA . 77(2): 111-114. Number of citations: 5