Navo E, Teplisky D, Albero R, Fandino AC, Demirdjian G and Chantada G.
Clinical Presentation of Retinoblastoma in a Middle-income Country
JOURNAL OF PEDIATRIC HEMATOLOGY ONCOLOGY . 34(3): 97-101. Number of citations: 14
Palma J, Sasso DF, Dufort G, Koop K, Sampor C, Diez B, Richard L, Castillo L and Chantada G.
Successful treatment of metastatic retinoblastoma with high-dose chemotherapy and autologous stem cell rescue in South America
BONE MARROW TRANSPLANTATION . 47(4): 522-527. Number of citations: 29
Schaiquevich P, Buitrago E, Ceciliano A, Fandino AC, Asprea M, Sierre S, Abramson DH, Bramuglia GF and Chantada G.
RETINA-THE JOURNAL OF RETINAL AND VITREOUS DISEASES . 32(2): 387-395. Number of citations: 25
Chantada G.
Retinoblastoma: Lessons and challenges from developing countries. Ellsworth Lecture 2011
OPHTHALMIC GENETICS . 32(4): 196-203. Number of citations: 20
Chantada G, Qaddoumi I, Canturk S, Khetan V, Ma Z, Kimani K, Yeniad B, Sultan I, Sitorus RS, Tacyildiz N and Abramson DH.
Strategies to Manage Retinoblastoma in Developing Countries
PEDIATRIC BLOOD & CANCER . 56(3): 341-348. Number of citations: 106
Scursoni AM, Galluzzo L, Camarero S, Lopez J, Lubieniecki F, Sampor C, Segatori VI, Gabri MR, Alonso DF, Chantada G and de Dávila MT.
Detection of N-Glycolyl GM3 Ganglioside in Neuroectodermal Tumors by Immunohistochemistry: An Attractive Vaccine Target for Aggressive Pediatric Cancer
CLINICAL & DEVELOPMENTAL IMMUNOLOGY . 2011: 245181-245181. Number of citations: 42
Canturk S, Qaddoumi I, Khetan V, Ma Z, Furmanchuk A, Antoneli CB, Sultan I, Kebudi R, Sharma T, Rodriguez-Galindo C, Abramson DH and Chantada G.
Survival of retinoblastoma in less-developed countries impact of socioeconomic and health-related indicators
BRITISH JOURNAL OF OPHTHALMOLOGY . 94(11): 1432-1436. Number of citations: 144
Chantada G, Fandiño AC, Guitter MR, Raslawski EC, Dominguez JL, Manzitti J, de Dávila MT, Zubizarreta P and Scopinaro M.
Results of a Prospective Study for the Treatment of Unilateral Retinoblastoma
PEDIATRIC BLOOD & CANCER . 55(1): 60-66. Number of citations: 43
Dunkel IJ, Chan HS, Jubran R, Chantada G, Goldman S, Chintagumpala M, Khakoo Y and Abramson DH.
High-Dose Chemotherapy With Autologous Hematopoietic Stem Cell Rescue for Stage 4B Retinoblastoma
PEDIATRIC BLOOD & CANCER . 55(1): 149-152. Number of citations: 43
Buitrago E, Höcht C, Chantada G, Fandiño A, Navo E, Abramson DH, Schaiquevich P and Bramuglia GF.
Pharmacokinetic analysis of topotecan after intra-vitreal injection. Implications for retinoblastoma treatment
EXPERIMENTAL EYE RESEARCH . 91(1): 9-14. Number of citations: 32