Domènech J, Lara E, Rubio-Valera M, Olaya B, Moneta MV, Rico-Uribe LA, Ayuso-Mateos JL, Mundó J and Haro JM.
Loneliness and depression in the elderly: the role of social network.
SOCIAL PSYCHIATRY AND PSYCHIATRIC EPIDEMIOLOGY . 52(4): 381-390. Number of citations: 292
March Pujol, M., Via Sosa, M. A., Lumbreras Garuz, D., Guerra-Barrero, M. B., Trave Mercade, P. and Rubio-Valera M.
Integration of the Community Pharmacist in a Domiciliary Care Team: Cost review of a pilot experience
Pharmaceutical Care Espana . 19(2): 80-92.
Luciano JV, Carlos Garcia Forero, Marta Cerdà Lafont, Peñarrubia-María MT, Fernández-Vergel R, JOSE MIGUEL RUIZ MARTIN, Rozadilla A, Sirvent Alierta, Elena, Santo Panero, Pilar, García Campayo, Javier, Serrano-Blanco A and Rubio-Valera M.
Functional Status, Quality of Life, and Costs Associated With Fibromyalgia Subgroups: A Latent Profile Analysis.
CLINICAL JOURNAL OF PAIN . 32(10): 829-840. Number of citations: 33
Rubio-Valera M, Huerta-Ramos ME, Baladon L, Aznar-Lou I, Ortiz JM, Luciano JV, Roset-Arisso PN, Salvador-Carulla L, Villagrán JM, Mayoral F, Gracia A and Serrano-Blanco A.
Qualitative study of the agitation states and their characterization, and the interventions used to attend them
ACTAS ESPANOLAS DE PSIQUIATRIA . 44(5): 166-177. Number of citations: 10
Fernández A, Howse E, Rubio-Valera M, Thorncraft K, Noone J, Luu X, Veness B, Leech M, Llewellyn G and Salvador-Carulla L.
Setting-based interventions to promote mental health at the university: a systematic review
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH . 61(7): 797-807. Number of citations: 78
Baladon L, Rubio-Valera M, Serrano-Blanco A, Palao DJ and Fernández A.
Gender differences in the impact of mental disorders and chronic physical conditions on health-related quality of life among non-demented primary care elderly patients
QUALITY OF LIFE RESEARCH . 25(6, SI): 1461-1474. Number of citations: 14
de Araújo AA, Ribeiro SB, Dos Santos AC, Lemos TM, Medeiros CA, Guerra GC, de Araújo Júnior RF, Serrano-Blanco A and Rubio-Valera M.
Quality of Life and Hormonal, Biochemical, and Anthropometric Profile Between Olanzapine and Risperidone Users
PSYCHIATRIC QUARTERLY . 87(2): 293-304. Number of citations: 5
Rubio-Valera M, Peñarrubia-María MT, Fernández-Vergel R, Carvajal Tejadillo AC, Fernández A, Aznar-Lou I, March-Pujol M and Serrano-Blanco A.
Impact of pharmaceutical intervention in preventing relapses in depression in Primary Care
ATENCION PRIMARIA . 48(5): 308-315. Number of citations: 4
Rubio-Valera M, Aznar I, Vives M, Fernández A, Gil MM and Serrano-Blanco A.
Reducing the Mental Health-Related Stigma of Social Work Students: A Cluster RCT
RESEARCH ON SOCIAL WORK PRACTICE . 28(2): 164-172. Number of citations: 25
Aznar-Lou I, Serrano-Blanco A, Fernández A, Luciano JV and Rubio-Valera M.
Attitudes and intended behaviour to mental disorders and associated factors in catalan population, Spain: cross-sectional population-based survey.
BMC Public Health . 16(1): 127-127. Number of citations: 31