Search publications


  • Domènech J, Mundó J, Haro JM and Rubio-Valera M.

    Anxiety, depression, loneliness and social network in the elderly: Longitudinal associations from The Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing (TILDA).

    JOURNAL OF AFFECTIVE DISORDERS . 246: 82-88. Number of citations: 271


  • Aznar I, Iglesias M, Rubio-Valera M, Peñarrubia-María MT, Mendive JM, Murrugarra-Centurión AG, Gil MM, González Suñer L, Peuters C and Serrano-Blanco A.

    Diagnostic accuracy and treatment approach to depression in primary care: predictive factors

    FAMILY PRACTICE . 36(1): 3-11. Number of citations: 4


  • Resurrección DM, Moreno-Peral P, Gómez-Herranz M, Rubio-Valera M, Pastor L, Caldas de Almeida JM and Motrico E.

    Factors associated with non-participation in and dropout from cardiac rehabilitation programmes: a systematic review of prospective cohort studies

    EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CARDIOVASCULAR NURSING . 18(1): 38-47. Number of citations: 138


  • Aznar I, Pottegård A, Fernández A, Peñarrubia-María MT, Serrano-Blanco A, Sabés-Figuera R, Gil MM, Fajó-Pascual M, Moreno-Peral P and Rubio-Valera M.

    Effect of copayment policies on initial medication non-adherence according to income: a population-based study.

    BMJ QUALITY & SAFETY . 27(11): 878-891. Number of citations: 24


  • Iglesias M, Aznar I, Peñarrubia-María MT, Gil MM, Fernández-Vergel R, Alonso J, Serrano-Blanco A and Rubio-Valera M.

    Effectiveness of watchful waiting versus antidepressants for patients diagnosed of mild to moderate depression in primary care: A 12-month pragmatic clinical trial (INFAP study).

    EUROPEAN PSYCHIATRY . 53: 66-73. Number of citations: 10


  • Zabaleta-Del-Olmo E, Pombo H, Pons-Vigués M, Casajuana-Closas M, Pujol-Ribera E, López-Jiménez T, Cabezas-Peña C, Martín-Borràs C, Serrano-Blanco A, Rubio-Valera M, Llobera J, Leiva A, Vicens C, Vidal C, Campiñez M, Martín-Álvarez R, Maderuelo JÁ, Recio JI, García-Ortiz L, Motrico E, Bellón JÁ, Moreno-Peral P, Martín-Cantera C, Clavería A, Aldecoa-Landesa S, Magallón-Botaya R and Bolíbar B.

    Correction to: Complex multiple risk intervention to promote healthy behaviours in people between 45 to 75 years attended in primary health care (EIRA study): study protocol for a hybrid trial.

    BMC Public Health . 18(1): 1004-1004. Number of citations: 4


  • Bai X, Liu C, Baladon L and Rubio-Valera M.

    Multidimensional determinants of the caregiving burden among Chinese male caregivers of older family members in Hong Kong.

    AGING & MENTAL HEALTH . 22(8): 980-989. Number of citations: 16


  • Resurrección DM, Motrico E, Rubio-Valera M, Mora-Pardo JA and Moreno-Peral P.

    Reasons for dropout from cardiac rehabilitation programs in women: A qualitative study

    PLoS One . 13(7): . Number of citations: 29


  • Zabaleta-Del-Olmo E, Pombo H, Pons-Vigués M, Casajuana-Closas M, Pujol-Ribera E, López-Jiménez T, Cabezas-Peña C, Martín-Borràs C, Serrano-Blanco A, Rubio-Valera M, Llobera J, Leiva A, Vidal C, Campiñez M, Martín-Álvarez R, Maderuelo JÁ, Recio JI, García-Ortiz L, Motrico E, Bellón JÁ, Moreno-Peral P, Martín-Cantera C, Clavería A, Aldecoa-Landesa S, Magallón-Botaya R and Bolíbar B.

    Complex multiple risk intervention to promote healthy behaviours in people between 45 to 75 years attended in primary health care (EIRA study): study protocol for a hybrid trial.

    BMC Public Health . 18(1): 874-874. Number of citations: 15


  • Aznar I, Iglesias M, Gil MM, Serrano-Blanco A, Fernández A, Peñarrubia-María MT, Sabés-Figuera R, Murrugarra-Centurión AG, March-Pujol M, Bolívar-Prados M and Rubio-Valera M.

    Impact of initial medication non-adherence to SSRIs on medical visits and sick leaves.

    JOURNAL OF AFFECTIVE DISORDERS . 226: 282-286. Number of citations: 10
