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Maria Barranco Altirriba
Medical technologies: Bioinformatics and biomedical signals
Investigador pre-doc
Paula Barrau Sastre
Etiopathogenesis and treatment of severe mental disorders (MERITT)
Ayudante de investigación
Macarena Barrera Gallardo
Diagnostic and Therapeutic Imaging
Ayudante de investigación
Maria Luisa Barrigon Estevez
Etiopathogenesis and treatment of severe mental disorders (MERITT)
Emma Barroso Fernández
Pharmacological targets in inflammation and metabolic diseases
Investigador post-doc
Judith Bassols Casadevall
Metabolic endocrinology
Investigador colaborador
Cristina Batlle Carreras
Neurogenetics and Molecular Medicine
Investigador post-doc
Raquel Batlle Gómez
Innovation in Health Technologies
Mercè Baulenas Farrés
Paediatric Cancer Treatment
Ayudante de investigación
Ivet Bayes Marin
Impact and prevention of mental disorders
Ayudante de investigación