The Institute
Vision, mission and values

The IRSJD has the mission of promoting, developing and managing high-impact research mainly in the areas of materno-fetal, child and youth, and mental health with the aim of improving people's health, well-being and quality of life.
Become a global reference in impactful research for the improvement of both the population health and healthcare systems through the development and implementation of new preventive, health promotion, diagnostic and therapeutic actions, scientific collaboration, and strategic positioning.
Our research activities are carried out to the highest standards of quality in order to position the Institute as a leader in innovation and research on paediatrics and human development. -
The IRSJD is a paediatric reference model both nationally and internationally thanks to its high quality biomedical research and recognised prestige. -
Scientific integrity, ethics and respect
We respect the deontological principles of absolute honesty, integrity and professionalism that govern scientific research. -
We promote joint scientific lines of work with other agents in the filed at both national and international levels. -
Innovation Orientation
We generate new ideas and lines of action and we adapt to the new circumstances in the field with the creation of transferable products. -
The scientific appeal of the IRSJD offers added value when it comes to capturing international talent. -
We work to secure sufficient resources to carry out long-term research and innovative activities. -
Centrality in the patient
We develop innovative research activities whose goal is the health of the patients and their families.