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  • Sampor C, Alonso R, Durañona M, Gorostegui M, Antillón-Klussmann F, Lopes LF, Cappellano AM, Gonzalez-Ramella O, Lobos P, Palma J, Grynszpancholc E, Vasquez L, Morales-La Madrid A, Moreira DC, Cruz-Martínez O and Chantada G.

    The TeLeo Program: Tele-education in pediatric oncology as a tool to support training programs in Latin America.

    PEDIATRIC BLOOD & CANCER . 71(12): .


  • Gorostegui-Obanos M, Chantada L, Filho NPC, Gonzalez-Ramella O, Serrano B MJ, Valencia D, Sampor C, Macedo C, Ramirez O, Sardinas S, Lezcano E, Calderón P, Gamboa Y, Fu L, Gómez W, Schelotto M, Ugaz C, Lobos P, Moreno K, Palma J, Sánchez G, Moschella F, Gassant PYH, Velasquez T, Quintero K, Forteza M, Villarroel M, Moreno F, Alabi SF, Vasquez L, Lowe J, Cappellano A, Challinor J and Chantada G.

    International Society of Paediatric Oncology (SIOP) Global Mapping Program: Analysis of healthcare centers in countries of the Latin American Society of Pediatric Oncology (SLAOP).

    PEDIATRIC BLOOD & CANCER . 71(11): . Nº de cites: 1


  • Huchede P, Meyer S, Berthelot C, Hamadou M, Bertrand-Chapel A, Rakotomalala A, Manceau L, Tomine J, Lespinasse N, Lewandowski P, Cordier-Bussat M, Broutier L, Dutour A, Rochet I, Blay JY, Degletagne C, Attignon V, Carcaboso AM, Le Grand M, Pasquier E, Vasiljevic A, Gilardi-Hebenstreit P, Meignan S, Leblond P, Ribes V, Cosset E and Castets M.

    BMP2 and BMP7 cooperate with H3.3K27M to promote quiescence and invasiveness in pediatric diffuse midline gliomas.

    eLife . 12: .


  • Nussbaumer G, Benesch M, Grabovska Y, Mackay A, Castel D, Grill J, Alonso MM, Antonelli M, Bailey S, Baugh JN, Biassoni V, Blattner Johnson M, Broniscer A, Carai A, Colafati GS, Colditz N, Corbacioglu S, Crampsie S, Entz-Werle N, Eyrich M, Friker LL, Frühwald MC, Garrè ML, Gerber NU, Giangaspero F, Gil-da-Costa MJ, Graf N, Hargrave D, Hauser P, Herrlinger U, Hoffmann M, Hulleman E, Izquierdo E, Jacobs S, Karremann M, Kattamis A, Kebudi R, Kortmann RD, Kwiecien R, Massimino M, Mastronuzzi A, Miele E, Morana G, Noack CM, Pentikainen V, Perwein T, Pfister SM, Pietsch T, Roka K, Rossi S, Rutkowski S, Schiavello E, Seidel C, Šterba J, Sturm D, Sumerauer D, Tacke A, Temelso S, Valentini C, van Vuurden D, Varlet P, Veldhuijzen van Zanten SEM, Vinci M, von Bueren AO, Warmuth-Metz M, Wesseling P, Wiese M, Wolff JEA, Zamecnik J, Morales-La Madrid A, Bison B, Gielen GH, Jones DTW, Jones C and Kramm CM.

    Gliomatosis cerebri in children: A poor prognostic phenotype of diffuse gliomas with a distinct molecular profile.

    Neuro-Oncology . 26(9): 1723-1737.


  • Pascual-Pastó G, McIntyre B, Giudice AM, Alikarami F, Morrissey A, Matlaga S, Hofmann TJ, Burgeño-Sandoval V, Harvey K, Martinez D, Shah AC, Foster JB, Pogoriler J, Eagle RC, Carcaboso AM, Shields CL, Leahey AM and Bosse KR.

    Targeting GPC2 on Intraocular and CNS Metastatic Retinoblastomas with Local and Systemic Delivery of CAR T Cells

    CLINICAL CANCER RESEARCH . 30(16): 3578-3591.


  • Cappellano A, Gorostegui M, Gonzalez-Ramella O, Filho NPC, Valencia D, Chantada L, Sampor C, Serrano MJ, Macedo C, Ramirez O, Sardinas S, Lezcano E, Calderón P, Gamboa Y, Fu L, Gómez W, Schelotto M, Ugaz C, Lobos P, Aguiar SDS, Moreno K, Palma J, Sánchez G, Moschella F, Gassant PYH, Velasquez T, Quintero K, Moreno F, Villarroel M, Fuentes Alabi S, Vasquez L, Challinor J and Chantada G.

    International Society of Paediatric Oncology (SIOP) Global Mapping Programme: Latin American Society of Pediatric Oncology (SLAOP) country-level report

    PEDIATRIC BLOOD & CANCER . 71(6): . Nº de cites: 2


  • Berg F, Conger K, Avula M, Hansen C, Chatman G, Provasnik J, Alguire K, Wellman A, Chantada G, Rodriguez-Galindo C and Moreira DC.

    The transformation of Cure4Kids: Expanding knowledge transfer capacity

    PEDIATRIC BLOOD & CANCER . 71(8): . Nº de cites: 1


  • Adroher C, Calvo-Benet C, Pavon L, Ricard Casadevall Llandrich, Alvarez E, Marsal-Company ME, Lopez F, Pons-Odena M, MANUEL DEL CASTILLO REY and Morales-La Madrid A.

    Implementation of clinical assistants in a pediatric oncology department: An impact analysis

    Health Services Management Research . 37(2): 80-87.


  • Juan-Ribelles A, Bautista F, Cañete A, Rubio-San-Simón A, Alonso-Saladrigues A, Hladun R, Rives-Solà S, Dapena JL, Fernández JM, Lassaletta Á, Cruz-Martínez O, Ramírez-Villar G, Fuster JL, de Heredia CD, García-Ariza M, Quiroga E, Del Mar Andrés M, Verdú-Amorós J, Molinés A, Herrero B, López M, Márquez C, Toboso M, Lendínez F, Sirvent JG, Tallón M, Rodríguez G, Acha T, Moreno L and Fernández-Teijeiro A.

    ECLIM-SEHOP: how to develop a platform to conduct academic trials for childhood cancer



  • Papangelopoulou D, Bison B, Behrens L, Bailey S, Ansari M, Ehlert K, Cruz-Martínez O, Kramm CM, Morales La Madrid A and von Bueren AO.

    Brain stem tumors in children less than 3 months: Clinical and radiologic findings of a rare disease.

    CHILDS NERVOUS SYSTEM . 40(4): 1053-1064.
