Buscador de publicacions


  • Foscolou A, Panagiotakos D, Mariolis A, Tyrovolas S, Tsakountakis N, Zeimbekis A, Bountziouka V, Gotsis E, Metallinos G, Tyrovola D, Matalas AL, Lionis C and Polychronopoulos E.

    Comparative study on successful aging between the elderly inhabitants of Mani and those living on the Mediterranean islands: The MEDIS study.

    Clinical nutrition ESPEN . 13: .


  • Stickley A and Koyanagi A.

    Loneliness, common mental disorders and suicidal behavior: Findings from a general population survey.

    JOURNAL OF AFFECTIVE DISORDERS . 197: 81-87. Nº de cites: 172


  • Fusté M, Meléndez-Pérez I, Villalta-Gil V, Pinacho R, Villalmanzo N, Cardoner N, Menchón JM, Haro JM, Soriano-Mas C and Ramos B.

    Specificity proteins 1 and 4, hippocampal volume and first-episode psychosis.

    BRITISH JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRY . 208(6): 591-592. Nº de cites: 2


  • Koyanagi A, Stickley A and Haro JM.

    Psychotic symptoms and smoking in 44 countries.

    ACTA PSYCHIATRICA SCANDINAVICA . 133(6): 497-505. Nº de cites: 28


  • Tyrovolas S, Koyanagi A, Olaya B, Ayuso-Mateos JL, Maria Miret, Chatterji S, Tobiasz-Adamczyk B, Koskinen S, Leonardi M and Haro JM.

    Factors associated with skeletal muscle mass, sarcopenia, and sarcopenic obesity in older adults: a multi-continent study.

    JOURNAL OF CACHEXIA SARCOPENIA AND MUSCLE . 7(3): 312-321. Nº de cites: 159


  • Rise IV, Haro JM and Gjervan B.

    Clinical features, comorbidity, and cognitive impairment in elderly bipolar patients.

    Neuropsychiatric Disease And Treatment . 12: 1203-1213. Nº de cites: 21


  • Stickley A, Koyanagi A, Koposov R, Blatný M, Hrdlicka M, Schwab-Stone M and Ruchkin V.

    Loneliness and its association with psychological and somatic health problems among Czech, Russian and U.S. adolescents.

    BMC Psychiatry . 16(1): 128-128. Nº de cites: 71


  • Mariolis A, Foscolou A, Tyrovolas S, Piscopo S, Valacchi G, Tsakountakis N, Zeimbekis A, Bountziouka V, Gotsis E, Metallinos G, Tyrovola D, Tur JA, Matalas AL, Lionis C, Polychronopoulos E, Panagiotakos D and MEDIS study group.

    Successful Aging among Elders Living in the Mani Continental Region vs. Insular Areas of the Mediterranean: the MEDIS Study.

    AGING DIS . 7(3): 285-294. Nº de cites: 8


  • Novick D, Montgomery W, Aguado J, Peng X and Haro JM.

    Impact of anxiety symptoms on outcomes of depression: an observational study in Asian patients.

    Neuropsychiatric Disease And Treatment . 12: 795-800. Nº de cites: 4


  • Tyrovolas S, Koyanagi A, Stickley A and Haro JM.

    Weight Perception, Satisfaction, Control, and Low Energy Dietary Reporting in the U.S. Adult Population: Results from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2007-2012.

    JOURNAL OF THE ACADEMY OF NUTRITION AND DIETETICS . 116(4): 579-589. Nº de cites: 15
