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  • Company-Se, G, Nescolarde L, Pajares, V, Torrego, A, Riu-Costa P, Rosell-Ferrer X and Bragós R.

    Effect of Calibration for Tissue Differentiation Between Healthy and Neoplasm Lung Using Minimally Invasive Electrical Impedance Spectroscopy

    IEEE Access . 10: 103150-103163. Nº de cites: 5


  • Company-Se G, Nescolarde L, Pajares V, Torrego A, Riu-Costa P, Rosell-Ferrer X and Bragós R.

    Minimally Invasive Lung Tissue Differentiation Using Electrical Impedance Spectroscopy: A Comparison of the 3-and 4-Electrode Methods

    IEEE Access . 10: 7354-7367. Nº de cites: 5


  • Román E, Poca M, Amorós-Figueras G, Rosell-Ferrer X, Gely C, Nieto JC, Vidal S, Urgell E, Ferrero-Gregori A, Alvarado-Tapias E, Cuyàs B, Hernández E, Santesmases R, Guarner C, Escorsell À and Soriano G.

    Phase angle by electrical bioimpedance is a predictive factor of hospitalisation, falls and mortality in patients with cirrhosis.

    SCIENTIFIC REPORTS . 11(1): 20415-20415. Nº de cites: 15


  • Hernández-Hermoso JA, Nescolarde L, Roca E, Revuelta-López E, Ara J and Bayes-Genis A.

    Marathon Running Increases Synthesis and Decreases Catabolism of Joint Cartilage Type II Collagen Accompanied by High-Energy Demands and an Inflamatory Reaction.

    FRONTIERS IN PHYSIOLOGY . 12: 722718-722718. Nº de cites: 4


  • Mateu-Mateus, M, Guede-Fernandez, F, Rodriguez-Ibanez, N, García- Gonzalez MA, Ramos-Castro J and Fernández-Chimeno M.

    A non-contact camera-based method for respiratory rhythm extraction

    Biomedical Signal Processing and Control . 66: . Nº de cites: 11


  • Nescolarde L, Terricabras J, Mechó S, Rodas G and Yanguas J.

    Differentiation Between Tendinous, Myotendinous and Myofascial Injuries by L-BIA in Professional Football Players.

    FRONTIERS IN PHYSIOLOGY . 11: 574124-574124. Nº de cites: 13


  • Nescolarde L, Roca E, Bogónez-Franco P, Hernández-Hermoso J, Bayes-Genis A and Ara J.

    Relationship Between Bioimpedance Vector Displacement and Renal Function After a Marathon in Non-elite Runners.

    FRONTIERS IN PHYSIOLOGY . 11: 352-352. Nº de cites: 12


  • Mateu-Mateus M, Guede-Fernandez F, García- Gonzalez MA, Ramos-Castro J and Fernández-Chimeno M.

    Camera-Based Method for Respiratory Rhythm Extraction From a Lateral Perspective

    IEEE Access . 8: 154924-154939. Nº de cites: 10


  • Guede-Fernández F, Ferrer-Mileo V, Mateu-Mateus M, Ramos-Castro J, García- Gonzalez MA and Fernández-Chimeno M.

    A photoplethysmography smartphone-based method for heart rate variability assessment: device model and breathing influences

    Biomedical Signal Processing and Control . 57: 101717. Nº de cites: 10


  • Lukaski HC, Vega Diaz N, Talluri A and Nescolarde L.

    Classification of Hydration in Clinical Conditions: Indirect and Direct Approaches Using Bioimpedance.

    Nutrients . 11(4): . Nº de cites: 114
