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  • Althen H, Huotilainen M, Grimm S and Escera C.

    Middle latency response correlates of single and double deviant stimuli in a multi-feature paradigm.

    CLINICAL NEUROPHYSIOLOGY . 127(1): 388-396. Nº de cites: 5


  • Pohlack ST, Nees F, Ruttorf M, Cacciaglia R, Winkelmann T, Schad LR, Witt SH, Rietschel M and Flor H.

    Neural Mechanism of a Sex-Specific Risk Variant for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in the Type I Receptor of the Pituitary Adenylate Cyclase Activating Polypeptide.

    BIOLOGICAL PSYCHIATRY . 78(12): 840-847. Nº de cites: 37


  • Cornella M, Bendixen A, Grimm S, Leung S, Schröger E and Escera C.

    Spatial auditory regularity encoding and prediction: Human middle-latency and long-latency auditory evoked potentials.

    BRAIN RESEARCH . 1626: 21-30. Nº de cites: 8


  • Auton A, Brooks LD, Durbin RM, Garrison EP, Kang HM, Korbel JO, Marchini JL, McCarthy S, McVean GA and Abecasis GR.

    A global reference for human genetic variation

    Nature . 526(7571): 68-74. Nº de cites: 8079


  • Grimm O, Pohlack S, Cacciaglia R, Winkelmann T, Plichta MM, Demirakca T and Flor H.

    Amygdalar and hippocampal volume: A comparison between manual segmentation, Freesurfer and VBM

    JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE METHODS . 253: 254-261. Nº de cites: 69


  • Shiga T, Althen H, Cornella M, Zarnowiec K, Yabe H and Escera C.

    Deviance-Related Responses along the Auditory Hierarchy: Combined FFR, MLR and MMN Evidence

    PLoS One . 10(9): . Nº de cites: 18


  • Vidal-Piñeiro D, Martín-Trias P, Falcón C, Bargalló N, Clemente I, Valls-Solé J, Junqué C, Pascual-Leone A and Bartrés-Faz D.

    Neurochemical Modulation in Posteromedial Default-mode Network Cortex Induced by Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation

    Brain stimulation . 8(5): 937-944. Nº de cites: 32


  • Cacciaglia R, Pohlack ST, Flor H and Nees F.

    Dissociable roles for hippocampal and amygdalar volume in human fear conditioning

    BRAIN STRUCTURE & FUNCTION . 220(5): 2575-2586. Nº de cites: 20


  • Zanetti D, Carreras-Torres R, Esteban E, Via-Garcia M and Moral P.

    Potential Signals of Natural Selection in the Top Risk Loci for Coronary Artery Disease: 9p21 and 10q11

    PLoS One . 10(8): . Nº de cites: 6


  • do Vale S, Selinger L, Martins JM, Bicho M, do Carmo I and Escera C.

    Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) and dehydroepiandrosterone-sulfate (DHEAS) and emotional processing - A behavioral and electrophysiological approach

    HORMONES AND BEHAVIOR . 73: 94-103. Nº de cites: 10
