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  • Parra-Vargas MC, Ramon-Krauel M, Lerin C and Jimenez-Chillaron JC.

    Size Does Matter: Litter Size Strongly Determines Adult Metabolism in Rodents.

    CELL METABOLISM . 32(3): 334-340. Nº de cites: 36


  • Carcavilla A, Suárez L, Ramon-Krauel M, Ezquieta-Zubicaray B, Labarta JI, Quinteiro S, Rodríguez-Sánchez A, López-Siguero JP, Riaño I and González-Casado I.

    Tratamiento con hormona de crecimiento en el síndrome de Noonan: revisión de la bibliografía y recomendaciones de tratamiento

    Revista Española de Endocrinología Pediátrica . 11(1): 23-39.


  • Carcavilla A, Suárez L, Rodríguez Sánchez A, Gonzalez-Casado I, Ramon-Krauel M, Labarta JI, Quinteiro Gonzalez S, Riaño Galán I and López-Siguero JP.

    Noonan syndrome: genetic and clinical update and treatment options

    ANALES DE PEDIATRIA . 93(1): . Nº de cites: 15


  • Eggermann T, Elbracht M, Kurth I, Juul A, Johannsen TH, Netchine I, Mastorakos G, Johannsson G, Musholt TJ, Zenker M, Prawitt D, Pereira AM, Hiort O and European Reference Network on Rare Endocrine Conditions (ENDO-ERN.

    Genetic testing in inherited endocrine disorders: joint position paper of the European reference network on rare endocrine conditions (Endo-ERN).

    ORPHANET JOURNAL OF RARE DISEASES . 15(1): 144-144. Nº de cites: 17


  • Piquer-Garcia I, Cereijo R, Corral-Pérez J, Pellitero S, Martínez E, Taxerås SD, Tarascó J, Moreno P, Balibrea J, Puig-Domingo M, Serra D, Herrero L, Jiménez-Pavón D, Lerin C, Villarroya-Gombau F and Sánchez-Infantes D.

    Use of Infrared Thermography to Estimate Brown Fat Activation After a Cooling Protocol in Patients with Severe Obesity That Underwent Bariatric Surgery.

    OBESITY SURGERY . 30(6): 2375-2381. Nº de cites: 4


  • Dudzik D, Iglesias-Platas I, Izquierdo-Renau M, Balcells-Esponera C, Del Rey Hurtado de Mendoza B, Lerin C, Ramon-Krauel M and Barbas C.

    Plasma Metabolome Alterations Associated with Extrauterine Growth Restriction

    Nutrients . 12(4): . Nº de cites: 7


  • Garcia-Ribera S, Amat-Bou M, Climent E, Llobet-Garcès M, Chenoll E, Corripio R, Ibañez-Toda L, Ramon-Krauel M and Lerin C.

    Specific Dietary Components and Gut Microbiota Composition are Associated with Obesity in Children and Adolescents with Prader-Willi Syndrome

    Nutrients . 12(4): 1063. Nº de cites: 15


  • Piquer-Garcia I, Campderrós L, Taxerås SD, Gavaldà-Navarro A, Pardo R, Vilà-Ubach M, Pellitero S, Martínez E, Tarascó J, Moreno P, Villarroya-Terrade J, Cereijo R, González L, Reyes M, Rodriguez-Fernández S, Vives-Pi M, Lerin C, Elks CM, Stephens JM, Puig-Domingo M, Villarroya-Gombau F, Villena JA and Sánchez-Infantes D.

    A Role for Oncostatin M in the Impairment of Glucose Homeostasis in Obesity.

    JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ENDOCRINOLOGY & METABOLISM . 105(3): 337-348. Nº de cites: 15


  • Taxerås SD, Galán M, Campderrós L, Piquer-Garcia I, Pellitero S, Martínez E, Puig R, Lucena I, Tarascó J, Moreno P, Balibrea J, Bel J, Murillo M, Martínez M, Ramon-Krauel M, Puig-Domingo M, Villarroya-Gombau F, Lerin C and Sánchez-Infantes D.

    Differential association between S100A4 levels and insulin resistance in prepubertal children and adult subjects with clinically severe obesity.

    OBESITY SCIENCE & PRACTICE . 6(1): 99-106. Nº de cites: 3


  • Cereijo R, Taxerås SD, Piquer-Garcia I, Pellitero S, Martínez E, Tarascó J, Moreno P, Balibrea J, Puig-Domingo M, Jiménez-Pavón D, Lerin C, Villarroya-Gombau F and Sánchez-Infantes D.

    Elevated Levels of Circulating miR-92a Are Associated with Impaired Glucose Homeostasis in Patients with Obesity and Correlate with Metabolic Status After Bariatric Surgery.

    OBESITY SURGERY . 30(1): 174-179. Nº de cites: 17
