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  • Yoldi C, Conget-Donlo I, Cardona-Hernandez R and Ramon-Krauel M.

    Influence of socioeconomic factors on glycemic control, therapeutic adherence and quality of life in children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes

    endocrinologia diabetes y nutricion . 71(6): 253-262.


  • Beato-Víbora PI, Chico A, Moreno-Fernandez J, Bellido-Castañeda V, Nattero-Chávez L, Picón-César MJ, Martínez-Brocca MA, Giménez-Álvarez M, Aguilera-Hurtado E, Climent-Biescas E, Azriel-Mir S, Rebollo-Román Á, Yoldi C, Pazos-Couselo M, Alonso-Carril N and Quirós C.

    A Multicenter Prospective Evaluation of the Benefits of Two Advanced Hybrid Closed-Loop Systems in Glucose Control and Patient-Reported Outcomes in a Real-world Setting.

    Diabetes Care . 47(2): 216-224.


  • Yoldi C, Conget Donlo I, Cardona-Hernandez R, Irune Goicoechea Manterola, Maria Teresa Rouco Gomez, Llobet-Garcès M and Ramon-Krauel M.

    Psychometric analysis of the cross-cultural Spanish version of the diabetes management questionnaire



  • Vidal Flor M, Jansà I Morató M, Yoldi C, Cardona-Hernandez R, Giménez Alvárez M, Conget Donlo I and Isla Pera P.

    Type 1 Diabetes Patient Experiences Before and After Transfer from a Paediatric to an Adult Hospital

    PATIENT PREFERENCE AND ADHERENCE . 16: 2229-2246. Nº de cites: 2


  • Vidal M, Jansà M, Roca D, Yoldi C, Cardona-Hernandez R, Giménez M and Conget I.

    Hypoglycaemia unawareness in young people with type 1 diabetes transferred to an adult center.

    Endocrinologia, diabetes y nutricion . 67(6): 394-400. Nº de cites: 3


  • Flor, MV, Morato, MJI, Espino, DR, Yoldi C, Cardona-Hernandez R, Alvarez, MG and Donlo, IC.

    Therapeutic education program addressed to young people with type 1 diabetes transferred from the pediatric center to the adult hospital

    Revista de enfermeria (Barcelona, Spain) . 42(7-8): 526-532.

  • MªCRISTINA ANGUITA FULLA, Gómez-Rodríguez A, Llobet-Garcès M and Yoldi C.

    La diabetes en la edad pediátrica

    Revista de enfermeria (Barcelona, Spain) . 33(4): 262-269.

  • MªCRISTINA ANGUITA FULLA, Gómez-Rodríguez A, Llobet-Garcès M and Yoldi C.

    La educación en la infancia puede mejorar el control de la glucemia y evitar el retraso pondoestatural: un caso clínico

    Actividad Dietética . 13(3): 97-100.

  • MªCRISTINA ANGUITA FULLA, Gómez-Rodríguez A, Llobet-Garcès M and Yoldi C.

    Educación terapéutica sobre diabetes en la infancia

    Actividad Dietética . 13(3): 101-107.