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Guía de medicamentos a base de plantas para el tratamiento del resfriadocomún en pediatría
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Rationalising Optimal Dosing of Phytotherapeutics For Use In Children: Current Status - Potential Solutions - Actions Needed
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Pharmacokinetic and clinical improvements after PK-guided switch from standard half-life to extended half-life factor VIII products
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Lower incidence of clinical allergy with PEG-asparaginase upfront versus the sequential use of native E. coli asparaginase followed by PEG-ASP in pediatric patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia
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Secondary immune thrombocytopenia in children: Characteristics and outcome of a large cohort from two Spanish centres
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Paediatric patients with acute leukaemia and KMT2A (MLL) rearrangement show a distinctive expression pattern of histone deacetylases
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