Miriam Illa Armengol
Investigador post-doc
Grup de recerca
Perfils professionals a les xarxes
Últimes publicacions
- Planas-Roman S, Genero M and Illa-Armengol M Third Trimester Stillbirth Associated With Hamartoma of Mature Cardiac Myocytes (HMCM). PEDIATR DEVEL PATHOL . 28(1): 83-86.
- Staniczek J, Manasar-Dyrbus M, Rybak-Krzyszkowska M, Kondracka A, Orszulak D, Nizinski K, Sadlocha M, Drosdzol-Cop A, Stojko R and Illa-Armengol M Systematic review and meta-analysis of the association between young maternal age and fetal abnormalities. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS . 14(1): 22562-22562.
- Sanchez-Martinez S, Randanne PC, Hawkins-Villarreal A, Rezaei K, Fucho R, Bobillo-Perez S, Bonet E, Illa-Armengol M, Eixarch E, Bijnens B, Crispi F and Gratacós E Acute fetal cardiovascular adaptation to artificial placenta in sheep model ULTRASOUND IN OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY . 62(2): 255-265.
- Nom del projecte:
- Spanish network in maternal, neonatal, child and developmental health research (RICORS- SAMID)
- Investigador/a principal
- Maria Dolores Gómez Roig
- Entitat/es finançadora/es:
- Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII)
- Codi
- RD24/0013/0004
- Data de inici-fi:
- 2025 - 2027
- Nom del projecte:
- Evaluación de los efectos de un sistema de placenta artificial en el neurodesarrollo en un modelo animal de oveja a nivel multiescala
- Investigador/a principal
- Miriam Illa Armengol
- Entitat/es finançadora/es:
- Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII)
- Codi
- PI22/01306
- Data de inici-fi:
- 2023 - 2025
- Nom del projecte:
- Primary care interventions to prevent maternal and child chronic diseaes of perinatal and developmental origin
- Investigador/a principal
- Maria Dolores Gómez Roig
- Entitat/es finançadora/es:
- Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII)
- Codi
- RD21/0012/0003
- Data de inici-fi:
- 2022 - 2025