Francesc Xavier Gil Mur
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Últimes publicacions
- Gómez SG, Ginebra MP, Gil-Mur FX, Barraquer RI and Manero JM Antibacterial and cytocompatible silver coating for titanium Boston Keratoprosthesis. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology . 12: 1421706-1421706.
- Gómez SG, Guillem J, Martín-Gómez H, Mas C, Ginebra MP, Gil-Mur FX, Barraquer RI and Manero JM Titanium Boston keratoprosthesis with corneal cell adhesive and bactericidal dual coating Biomaterials advances . 154: 213654-213654.
- Toledano-Serrabona J, Sánchez-Garcés MÁ, Gay-Escoda C, Valmaseda-Castellón E, Camps-Font O, Verdeguer P, Molmeneu M and Gil-Mur FX Mechanical Properties and Corrosion Behavior of Ti6Al4V Particles Obtained by Implantoplasty: An In Vitro Study. Part II. Materials . 14(21): 6519.