Publicacions dels grups d'investigació: gener 2011


Cardona R, Suárez Ortega L, Torres M. Diabetes mellitus de díficil manejo asociada a síndrome de lipodistrofia congénita generalizada. An Pediatr (Barc) 2011 :in print. Factor d'impacte:  0,363.

Corniero P, Gamell A, Parra C, Trenchs V, Cubells CL. Family Presence During Invasive Procedures at the Emergency Department: What Is the Opinion of Spanish Medical Staff?Pediatr Emerg Care 2011 :in print. Factor d'impacte:  0,916.

Mariné M, Farré C, Alsina M, Vilar P, Cortijo M, Salas A, Fernández Bañares F, Rosinach M, Santaolalla R, Loras C, Marqués T, Cusí V, Hernández M, Carrasco A, Ribes J, Viver JM, Esteve M. The Prevalence of coeliac disease is significantly higher in children compared with adults. Aliment Pharmacol Ther 2011 :in print. Factor d'impacte:  4,357.

Parra C, Luaces C. Situaciones de catástrofes: ¿qué debemos saber y hacer?. An Pediatr (Barc) 2011 :in print. Factor d'impacte:  0,363.

Suárez Cortina L, Moreno Villares JM, Martínez Suárez V, Aranceta J, Dalmau Serra J, Gil Hernández A, Lama R, Martín Mateos MA, Pavón P. Ingesta de calcio y densidad mineral ósea en una población de escolares españoles (estudio CADO). An Pediatr (Barc) 2011 :in print. Factor d'impacte:  0,363.

Malalties infeccioses i immunopatologia infantil

Fortuny C, Noguera A, Alsina L, Bellido R, Sánchez E, Muñoz Almagro C, Ruiz L, Jiménez R. Impact of CD4 T cell count on the outcome of planned treatment interruptions in early-treated human immunodeficiency virus-infected children. Pediatr Infect Dis J 2011 :in print. Factor d'impacte:  2,854.

Launes C, García García JJ, Jordan I, Martínez Planas A, Selva L, Muñoz Almagro C. 2009 influenza a H1N1 infections: delays in starting treatment with oseltamivir were associated with a more severe disease. Pediatr Infect Dis J 2011 :in print. Factor d'impacte:  2,854.

Launes C, Cambra FJ, Jordan I, Palomeque A. Withholding or withdrawing life-sustaining treatments: An 8-yr retrospective review in a Spanish pediatric intensive care unit. Pediatr Crit Care Med 2011 :in print. Factor d'impacte:  2,376.

Muñoz Almagro C, Gala S, Selva L, Jordan I, Tarragó D, Pallares R. DNA bacterial load in children and adolescents with pneumococcal pneumonia and empyema. Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis 2011 :in print. Factor d'impacte:  2,605.

Noguera A, Provens AC, Soler P, Espiau M, Mur A, Méndez M, Fortuny C. Pandemic influenza A (2009 H1N1) in human immunodeficiency virus-infected catalan children. Pediatr Infect Dis J 2011 :in print. Factor d'impacte:  2,854

Soler P, Melendo S, Noguera A, Fortuny C, Navarro M, Mellado MJ, García L, Uriona S, Martín Nalda A, Figueras C. Prospective study of renal function in HIV-infected pediatric patients receiving tenofovir-containing HAART regimens. AIDS 2011 ;25 (2) :171-6. Factor d'impacte:  4,909.

Malalties de l'adult amb origen fetal o en els primers anys de vida

Alarcón A, Baquero F. Grupo de Estudio de la Infección por citomegalovirus de la Sociedad Española de Infectología Pediátrica. Revisión y recomendaciones sobre la prevención, diagnóstico y tratamiento de la infección posnatal por citomegalovirus. An Pediatr (Barc) 2011 :in print. Factor d'impacte: 0,363.

García Aparicio L, Krauel L, Tarrado X, Olivares M, García Núñez B, Lerena J, Saura L, Rovira J, Rodó J. Heminephroureterectomy for duplex kidney: laparoscopy versus open surgery. J Pediatr Urol 2011 :in print.

Ibáñez L, Díaz M, López Bermejo A, De Zegher F. Divergent effects of ethinylestradiol-drospirenone and flutamide-metformin on follistatin in adolescents and women with hyperinsulinemic androgen excess. Gynecol Endocrinol 2011 :in print. Factor d'impacte:  1,360.

Ibáñez L, López Bermejo A, Díaz M, Marcos MV, De Zegher F. Early metformin therapy to delay menarche and augment height in girls with precocious pubarche. Fertil Steril 2011 :in print. Factor d'impacte:  3,970

Sabrià J, Barceló C, Arigita M, Jiménez J, Puerto B, Borrell A. The Cusum test applied in prospective nuchal translucency quality review. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2011 :in print. Factor d'impacte:  3,154.

Valladares E, Rodríguez D, Vela A, Cabré S, Laïlla JM. Meconium pseudocyst secondary to ileum volvulus perforation without peritoneal calcification: a case report. J Med Case Reports 2011 :in print.

Desenvolupament neuronal i malalties metabòliques

Alcaide P, Merinero B, Ruiz Sala P, Richard E, Navarrete R, Arias A, Ribes A, Artuch R, Campistol J, Ugarte M, Rodríguez Pombo P. Defining the pathogenicity of creatine deficiency syndrome. Hum Mutat 2011 :in print. Factor d'impacte:  6,887.

Calderón C, Gómez López L, Martínez Costa C, Borraz S, Moreno Villares JM, Pedrón C. Feeling of Burden, Psychological Distress, and Anxiety among Primary Caregivers of Children with Home Enteral Nutrition. J Pediatr Psychol 2011 :in print.  Factor d'impacte:  3,050.

Campistol J, Gálvez H, García Cazorla A, Málaga I, Iriondo M, Cusí V. Disfunción neurológica inducida por bilirrubina. Neurología 2011 :in print. Factor d'impacte:  0,596.

Duarte S, Ortez C, Pérez A, Artuch R, García Cazorla A. Analysis of synaptic proteins in the cerebrospinal fluid as a new tool in the study of inborn errors of neurotransmission. J Inherit Metab Dis 2011 :inprint. Factor d'impacte:  3,598.

Martorell L, Nascimento MT, Colomé R, Genovés J, Naudó M, Nascimento A. Four sisters compound heterozygotes for the pre- and full mutation in fragile X syndrome and a complete inactivation of X-functional chromosome: implications for genetic counseling. J Hum Genet 2011 :in print. Factor d'impacte:  2,547.

Pineda M. Current Status of Therapy Developments for Niemann - Pick Type C Disease. Curr Pharm Biotechnol 2011 :in print. Factor d'impacte:  3,404.

Sempere A, Fons C, Arias A, Rodríguez Pombo P, Colomer Artigas R, Merinero B, Alcaide P, Capdevila A, Ribes A, Artuch R, Campistol J. Creatine transporter deficiency in two adult patients with static encephalopathy. J Inherit Metab Dis 2011 :in print. Factor d'impacte:  3,598.

Tondo M, Lambruschini N, Gómez López L, Gutierrez A, Moreno J, García Cazorla A, Pérez Dueñas B, Pineda M, Campistol J, Vilaseca MA, Artuch R. The Monitoring of trace elements in blood samples from patients with inborn errors of metabolism. J Inherit Metab Dis 2011 :inprint. Factor d'impacte:  3,598.

Velasco Sánchez D, Aracil A, Montero R, Mas A, Jiménez L, O'Callaghan M, Tondo M, Capdevila A, Blanch J, Artuch R, Pineda M. Combined Therapy with Idebenone and Deferiprone in Patients with Friedreich's Ataxia. Cerebellum 2011 :in print. Factor d'impacte:  3,280.

Serveis sanitaris i resultats en salut

Aguado J, Campbell A, Ascaso C, Navarro P, García Esteve L, Luciano JV. Examining the Factor Structure and Discriminant Validity of the 12-Item General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12) Among Spanish Postpartum Women. Assessment 2011 :in print. Factor d'impacte:  1,974.

Bernert S, Fernández A, Haro JM, König HH, Alonso J, Vilagut G, Sevilla Dedieu C, De Graaf R, Matschinger H, Heider D, Angermeyer MC. ESEMed/MHEDEA 2000 investigators. Comparison of Different Valuation Methods for Population Health Status Measured by the EQ-5D in Three European Countries. Value in Health 2011 :in print. Factor d'impacte:  3,032.

García Campayo J, Rodero B, del Hoyo YL, Luciano JV, Alda M, Gili M. Validation of a Spanish language version of the pain self-perception scale in patients with fibromyalgia. BMC Musculoskelet Disord 2011 :in print. Factor d'impacte:  1,880.

Maurel S, Rodero B, López del Hoyo Y, Luciano JV, Andres E, Roca M, del Moral R, Ruiz Lancina Y, García Campayo J. Correlational analysis and predictive validity of psychological constructs related with pain in fibromyalgia. BMC Musculoskelet Disord 2011 ;12 (1) :4. Factor d'impacte:  1,880.

Pinto Meza A, Fernández A, Bruffaerts R, Alonso J, Kovess V, De Graaf R, De Girolamo G, Matschinger H, Haro JM. Dropping out of mental health treatment among patients with depression and anxiety by type of provider: results of the European Study of the Epidemiology of Mental Disorders. Soc Psychiatry Psychiatry Epidemiol 2011 :inprint. Factor d'impacte:  2,052.

Rubio Valera M, Serrano Blanco A, Magdalena J, Fernández A, García Campayo J, Pujol MM, López del Hoyo Y. Effectiveness of pharmacist care in the improvement of adherence to antidepressants: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Ann Pharmacother 2011 ;45 (1) :39-48. Factor d'impacte:  2,453.

Medicina general

Comajuncosas J, Vallverdú H, Orbeal R, Parés D. Eventración de los orificios de los trocares en cirugía laparoscópica. Cir Esp 2011 :in print.

Cuevas J, Campayo A, Gutiérrez Galve L, García García P, López Antón R. Fundamentos y hallazgos de la neuroimagen en la esquizofrenia: una actualización. Rev Neurol 2011 ;52 (1) :27-36. Factor d'impacte:  1,234.

Parés D. Pathogenesis and treatment of fistula in ano. Br J Surg 2011 ;98 (1) :2-3. Factor d'impacte:  4,077.

Esquizofrènia i altres trastorns psicòtics

Alonso J, Petukhova M, Vilagut G, Chatterji S, Heeringa S, Ustün TB, Alhamzawi AO, Viana MC, Angermeyer MC, Bromet E, Bruffaerts R, De Girolamo G, Florescu S, Gureje O, Haro JM, Hinkov H, Hu C, Karam E, Kovess V, Levinson D, Medina Mora ME, Nakamura Y, Ormel J, Posada Villa J, Sagar R, Scott K, Tsang A, Williams DR, Kessler RC. Days out of role due to common physical and mental conditions: results from the WHO World Mental Health surveys. Mol Psychiatry 2011 :in print. Factor d'impacte:  15,049.

Brébion G, Ohlsen RI, Pilowsky LS, David AS. Serial and semantic encoding of lists of words in schizophrenia patients with visual hallucinations. Psychiatry Res 2011 :in print.   Factor d'impacte:  2,373.

Fullana MA, Vilagut G, Ortega N, Bruffaerts R, De Girolamo G, De Graaf R, Haro JM, Kovess V, Matschinger H, Bulbena A, Alonso J. Prevalence and correlates of respiratory and non-respiratory panic attacks in the general population. J Affect Disord 2011 :in print. Factor d'impacte:  3,763.

González Pinto A, Vieta E, Reed C, Novick D, Barraco A, Aguado J, Haro JM. Effectiveness of olanzapine monotherapy and olanzapine combination treatment in the long term following acute mania - Results of a two year observational study in bipolar disorder (EMBLEM). J Affect Disord 2011 :in print. Factor d'impacte:  3,763.

Haro JM, Reed C, González Pinto A, Novick D, Bertsch J, Vieta E. EMBLEM Advisory Board. 2-year course of bipolar disorder type I patients in outpatient care: Factors associated with remission and functional recovery. Eur Neuropsychopharmacol 2011 :in print. Factor d'impacte:  3,684.

Kessler RC, Ormel J, Petukhova M, McLaughlin KA, Green JG, Russo LJ, Stein DJ, Zaslavsky AM, Aguilar Gaxiola S, Alonso J, Andrade LH, Benjet C, De Girolamo G, De Graaf R, Demyttenaere K, Fayyad J, Haro JM, Hu C, Karam A, Lee S, Lépine JP, Matschinger H, Mihaescu C, Posada Villa J, Sagar R, Ustün TB. Development of lifetime comorbidity in the world health organization world mental health surveys. Arch Gen Psychiatry 2011 ;68 (1) :90-100. Factor d'impacte:  12,257.

König HH, Heider D, Lehnert T, Riedel SG, Angermeyer MC, Matschinger H, Vilagut G, Bruffaerts R, Haro JM, De Girolamo G, De Graaf R, Kovess V, Alonso J. ESEMed/MHEDEA 2000 investigators. Health status of the advanced elderly in six European countries: results from a representative survey using EQ-5D and SF-12.. Health Qual Life Outcomes 2011 :in print. Factor d'impacte:  2, 460.

Miquel L, Usall J, Reed C, Bertsch J, Vieta E, González Pinto A, Angst J, Nolen W, van Rossum, Haro JM. Gender differences in outcomes of acute mania: a 12-month follow-up study. Arch Womens Ment Health 2011 :in print. Factor d'impacte:  1,427.

Serrano E, Ezpeleta L, Alda JA, Matalí JL, San L. Psychometric Properties of the Young Mania Rating Scale for the Identification of Mania Symptoms in Spanish Children and Adolescents with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. Psychopathology 2011 ;44 (2) :125-132. Factor d'impacte:  1,637.

Velasco I, Spence C, Navarra J. El Sistema perceptivo: esa pequeña máquina del tiempo. Anales de Psicología 2011 ;27 (1) :195-201. Factor d'impacte:  0,244.

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