Publicacions dels grups de recerca: Desembre 2012
Tecnologies sanitàries i resultats en Atenció Primària 4/4; FI=14,971
Cebrià AI, Parra I, Pàmias M, Escayola A, García-Parés G, Puntí J, Laredo A, Vallès V, Cavero M, Oliva JC, Hegerl U, Pérez-Solà V, Palao DJ. Effectiveness of a telephone management programme for patients discharged from an emergency department after a suicide attempt: Controlled study in a Spanish population.J Affect Disord 2012 :in print Factor d'impacte: 3,517 Quartil: Q1
Pan YJ, Knapp M, Yeh LL, Chen YP, McCrone P. Treatment costs for depression with pain and cardiovascular comorbidities.. J Psychiatr Res 2012 :in print Factor d'impacte: 4,664 Quartil: Q1
Qureshi A, Collazos F, Sobradiel N, Eiroa-Orosa FJ, Febrel M, Revollo-Escudero HW, Andrés E, Del Mar Ramos M, Roca M, Casas M, Serrano Blanco A, Escobar JI, García-Campayo J. Epidemiology of psychiatric morbidity among migrants compared to native born population in Spain: a controlled study.. Gen Hosp Psychiatry 2012 :in print Factor d'impacte: 2,744 Quartil: Q2
Rubio-Valera M, March Pujol M, Fernández A, Peñarrubia-María MT, Travé P, López del Hoyo Y, Serrano Blanco A. Evaluation of a pharmacist intervention on patients initiating pharmacological treatment for depression: A randomized controlled superiority trial.. Eur Neuropsychopharmacol 2012 :in print Factor d'impacte: 4,046 Quartil: Q1
Recerca i innovació en Cirurgia 2/2; FI=4,159
Bejarano N, Navarro S, Rebasa P, García-Esquirol O, Hermoso J. Intra-abdominal Pressure as a Prognostic Factor for Tolerance of Enteral Nutrition in Critical Patients.. JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr. 2012 :in print Factor d'impacte: 3,285 Quartil: Q1
Hermoso J, Comajuncosas J, Orbeal RA, Ramos E. Lesion quistica de pancreas con antecedentes de traumatismo abdominal hace 20 años. Cir Esp 2012 :in print Factor d'impacte: 0,874 Quartil: Q3
Malalties infeccioses i immunopatologia infantil 5/6; FI=13,643
Brotons P, Gelabert G, Launes C, Sicuri E, Pallares R, Muñoz-Almagro C. Cost of hospitalizing children with invasive pneumococcal pneumonia.. Vaccine 2012 :in print (Vigilància epidemiològica molecular de les malalties prevenibles amb vacunes) Factor d'impacte: 3,766 Quartil: Q1
Ciruela P, Soldevilla N, Hernández S, Selva L, de Sevilla MF, García-García JJ, Moraga F, Planes AM, Muñoz-Almagro C, Domínguez A. Risk factors for invasive pneumococcal disease in a community with a high proportion of non vaccine serotypes.. Vaccine 2012 :in print (Vigilància epidemiològica molecular de les malalties prevenibles amb vacunes) Factor d'impacte: 3,766 Quartil: Q1
Gené A, Del Amo E, Iñigo M, Monsonís M, Pallares R, Muñoz Almagro C. Pneumococcal Serotypes causing Acute Otitis Media among Children in Barcelona (1992-2011): Emergence of the Multi-Resistant Clone ST320 of Serotype 19A.. Pediatr Infect Dis J 2012 :in print (Vigilància epidemiològica molecular de les malalties prevenibles amb vacunes) Factor d'impacte: 3,577 Quartil: Q1
Gené-Giralt A, González-Cuevas A, Jimeno-Fraile J, Marcos-Reverte F. Infección de herida quirúrgica por Dysgonomonas capnocytophagoides en un paciente inmunocompetente. Enferm Infecc Microbiol Clin 2012 :in print (Vigilància epidemiològica molecular de les malalties prevenibles amb vacunes) Factor d'impacte: 1,491 Quartil: Q3
Lozano-Blasco J, Martin-Mateos MA, Alsina L, Domínguez O, Giner MT, Piquer M, Alvaro M, Plaza AM. A 10% liquid immunoglobulin preparation for intravenous use (Privigen(®)) in paediatric patients with primary immunodeficiencies and hypersensitivity to IVIG.. Allergol Immunopathol (Madr) 2012 :in print (Resposta inflamatòria sistèmica en pediatria) Factor d'impacte: 1,043 Quartil: Q4
Méndez C, Vicente A, Suñol M, González-Enseñat MA. Molluscum contagiosum congénito. Actas Dermosifiliogr 2012 :in print (Vigilància epidemiològica molecular de les malalties prevenibles amb vacunes)
Malalties de l'adult amb origen fetal o en els primers anys de vida 1/1; FI=0,770
Sanz Marcos N, Turón Viñas A, Ibáñez Toda L. Síndrome de Klinefelter de presentación atípica. An Pediatr (Barc) 2012 :in print (Retard del creixement intrauterí i alteracions) Factor d'impacte: 0,770 Quartil: Q4
Etiopatogènia i tractament dels trastorns mentals greus 8/8; FI=103,225
Ascher-Svanum H, Novick D, Haro JM, Aguado J, Cui Z. Empirically driven definitions of "good," "moderate," and "poor" levels of functioning in the treatment of schizophrenia.. Qual Life Res 2012 :in print (Epidemiologia) Factor d'impacte: 2,300 Quartil: Q2
Brugha T, Matthews R, Alonso J, Vilagut G, Fouweather T, Bruffaerts R, de Girolamo G, De Graaf R, Haro JM, Kovess V, Jagger C. Gender differences in mental health expectancies in early and midlife in six European countries.. Br J Psychiatry 2012 :in print (Epidemiologia) Factor d'impacte: 6,619 Quartil: Q1
Fuentealba P, Cárdenas C. On the exponential model for energy with respect to number of electrons.. J Mol Model. 2012 :in print (Processos bàsics de percepció, atenció i acció) Factor d'impacte: 4,001 Quartil: Q2
Hong J, Novick D, Brugnoli R, Karagianis J, Dossenbach M, Haro JM. Clinical consequences of switching from olanzapine to risperidone and vice versa in outpatients with schizophrenia: 36-month results from the worldwide schizophrenia outpatients health outcomes (W-SOHO) study.. BMC Psychiatry 2012 :in print (Epidemiologia) Factor d'impacte: 2,552 Quartil: Q2
Murray CJ, Vos T, Lozano R, [et al.] Disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) for 291 diseases and injuries in 21 regions, 1990-2010: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2010.. Lancet 2012 ;380 (9859) :2197-223 (Epidemiologia) Factor d'impacte: 38,278 Quartil: Q1
Reynolds GP, Yevtushenko OO, Gordon S, Arranz B, San L, Cooper SJ. The obesity risk gene FTO influences body mass in chronic schizophrenia but not initial antipsychotic drug-induced weight gain in first-episode patients.. int J Neuropsychopharmacol 2012 :in print (Trastorns mentals en la infància i l'adolescència) Factor d'impacte: 4,578 Quartil: Q1
Sarró S, Pomarol-Clotet E, Canales-Rodríguez EJ, Salvador R, Gomar JJ, Ortiz-Gil J, Landín-Romero R, Vila-Rodríguez F, Blanch J, McKenna PJ. Structural brain changes associated with tardive dyskinesia in schizophrenia.. Br J Psychiatry 2012 :in print Factor d'impacte: 6,619 Quartil: Q1
Vos T, Flaxman AD, Naghavi M, [et al.] Years lived with disability (YLDs) for 1160 sequelae of 289 diseases and injuries 1990-2010: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2010.. Lancet 2012 ;380 (9859) :2163-96 (Epidemiologia) Factor d'impacte: 38,278 Quartil: Q1
Malalties neurològiques minoritàries de base genètica en l'àmbit pediàtric 1/1; FI=2,581
Toma C, Hervás A, Torrico B, Balmaña N, Salgado M, Maristany M, Vilella E, Martínez-Leal R, Planelles MI, Cuscó I, Del Campo M, Pérez-Jurado LA, Caballero-Andaluz R, De Diego-Otero Y, Pérez-Costillas L, Ramos-Quiroga JA, Ribasés M, Bayés M, Cormand B. Analysis of two language-related genes in autism: a case-control association study of FOXP2 and CNTNAP2.. Psychiatr Genet 2012 :in print Factor d'impacte: 2,581 Quartil: Q3