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  • Shirzadi M, Marateb HR, McGill KC, Muceli S, Mañanas MA and Farina D.

    An Accurate and Real-time Method for Resolving Superimposed Action Potentials in MultiUnit Recordings.

    IEEE transactions on bio-medical engineering . PP(1): 378-389. Nº de cites: 1


  • Porta R, Ventura PS, Ginovart G, García-Muñoz F, Ávila-Alvarez A and Izquierdo-Renau M.

    Changes in perinatal management and outcomes in infants born at 23 weeks of gestational age during the last decade in Spain.

    JOURNAL OF MATERNAL-FETAL & NEONATAL MEDICINE . 35(26): 10296-10304. Nº de cites: 2


  • Borras M, Romero S, Alonso-Lopez JF, Bachiller A, Serna LY, Migliorelli C and Mañanas MA.

    Influence of the number of trials on evoked motor cortical activity in EEG recordings.



  • Ghaderi P, Nosouhi M, Jordanic M, Marateb HR, Mañanas MA and Farina D.

    Kernel Density Estimation of Electromyographic Signals and Ensemble Learning for Highly Accurate Classification of a Large Set of Hand/Wrist Motions.

    FRONTIERS IN NEUROSCIENCE . 16: 796711-796711. Nº de cites: 1


  • Ona G, Sampedro F, Romero-Lafuente S, Valle M, Camacho V, Migliorelli C, Mañanas MA, Antonijoan RM, Puntes M, Coimbra J, Ballester MR, Garrido M and Riba J.

    The Kappa Opioid Receptor and the Sleep of Reason: Cortico-Subcortical Imbalance Following Salvinorin-A.



  • Migliorelli C, Medina-Rivera IF, Bachiller A, Tost A, Alonso-Lopez JF, López-Sala A, Armstrong-Moron J, O'Callaghan-Gordo M, Pineda M, Mañanas MA, Romero-Lafuente S and Garcia-Cazorla A.

    Cognitive stimulation has potential for brain activation in individuals with Rett syndrome

    JOURNAL OF INTELLECTUAL DISABILITY RESEARCH . 66(3): 213-224. Nº de cites: 3


  • Marateb HR, Ziaie Nezhad F, Mohebian MR, Sami R, Haghjooy Javanmard S, Dehghan Niri F, Akafzadeh-Savari M, Mansourian M, Mañanas MA, Wolkewitz M and Binder H.

    Automatic Classification Between COVID-19 and Non-COVID-19 Pneumonia Using Symptoms, Comorbidities, and Laboratory Findings: The Khorshid COVID Cohort Study.

    Frontiers in Medicine . 8: 768467-768467. Nº de cites: 4


  • Migliorelli C, Romero S, Bachiller A, Aparicio J, Alonso-Lopez JF, Mañanas MA and San Antonio-Arce MV.

    Improving the ripple classification in focal pediatric epilepsy: identifying pathological high-frequency oscillations by Gaussian mixture model clustering.

    JOURNAL OF NEURAL ENGINEERING . 18(4): . Nº de cites: 3


  • Marateb HR, Tasdighi Z, Mohebian MR, Naghavi A, Hess M, Motlagh ME, Heshmat R, Mansourian M, Mañanas MA, Binder H and Kelishadi R.

    Classification of psychiatric symptoms using deep interaction networks: the CASPIAN-IV study.

    SCIENTIFIC REPORTS . 11(1): 15706-15706.


  • Tost A, Migliorelli C, Bachiller A, Medina-Rivera IF, Romero-Lafuente S, Garcia-Cazorla A and Mañanas MA.

    Choosing Strategies to Deal with Artifactual EEG Data in Children with Cognitive Impairment

    ENTROPY . 23(8): 1030. Nº de cites: 3
