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Development and validation of a short version of the questionnaire of stressful life events (QSLE).
CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY & PSYCHOTHERAPY . 30(6): 1464-1470. Nº de cites: 1
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Organisational and student characteristics, fidelity, funding models, and unit costs of recovery colleges in 28 countries: a cross-sectional survey.
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Perspective of patients with first-episode psychosis, their relatives, and mental health professionals on the design and usability of an app in clinical practice
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Measuring discrimination experienced by people with a mental illness: replication of the short-form DISCUS in six world regions
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Eva Maria Grasa Bello, Seppälä J, Alonso-Solis A, Haapea M, Isohanni M, Miettunen J, Caro Mendivelso J, Almazan C, Rubinstein K, Caspi A, Unoka Z, Farkas K, Usall J, Ochoa S, van der Graaf S, Jewell C, Triantafillou A, Stevens M, Reixach E, Berdun-Marin S and Corripio I.
m-RESIST, a Mobile Therapeutic Intervention for Treatment-Resistant Schizophrenia: Feasibility, Acceptability, and Usability Study.
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Serra C, Vila R, del Cacho N, Butjosa A, Manuel Abella Villena, Colomer A, Cunill R, Tena MC, Véliz DI, Bustos-Cardona T, Dolz M, Profep Group and Usall J.
Association of perceived social support with sociodemographic, clinical, and psychosocial variables in patients with first-episode psychosis.
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Marcó-García S, Guilera-Ferrer G, Ferrer-Quintero M, Ochoa S, Escuder G, Martínez-Mondejar A, Montalbán-Roca V, del Cacho N, Rubio E, ANA ESCANILLA CASAL, Martínez-Zambrano F, Balsells S and Huerta-Ramos ME.
The RECAPACITA project: Description of the clinical, neuropsychological and functional profile of a sample of people with severe mental disorder and legal capacity modification in Spain
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Neurocognitive bases of self-monitoring of inner speech in hallucination prone individuals
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Relationship between cognition and suicidal behavior in recent-onset psychosis
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A pilot 1-year follow-up randomised controlled trial comparing metacognitive training to psychoeducation in schizophrenia: effects on insight
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