Peláez MT, López-Carrilero R, Espinosa V, Balsells S, Ochoa S and Osma J.
Efficacy of the unified protocol for transdiagnostic treatment of comorbid emotional disorders in patients with ultra high risk for psychosis: Results of a randomized controlled trial.
Lamarca M, Espinosa V, Acuña V, Vila R, Balsells S, Moritz S, Berna F, König C, Gaweda L, Group P, Barajas A and Ochoa S.
Reducing self-stigma in psychosis: A systematic review and meta-analysis of psychological interventions.
PSYCHIATRY RESEARCH . 342: 116262-116262.
Silvia MG, Georgina G, Marta FQ, Ochoa S, Escuder G, Rubio E, Martínez-Mondejar A, del Cacho N, Vanessa MR, ANA ESCANILLA CASAL, Balsells S and Huerta-Ramos ME.
RECAPACITA project: Comparing neuropsychological profiles in people with severe mental disorders, with and without capacity modification.
Kotera Y, Ronaldson A, Hayes D, Hunter-Brown H, McPhilbin M, Dunnett D, Jebara T, Takhi S, Masuda T, Camacho E, Bakolis I, Repper J, Meddings S, Stergiopoulos V, Brophy L, De Ruysscher C, Okoliyski M, Kubinová P, Eplov L, Toernes C, Narusson D, Tinland A, Puschner B, Hiltensperger R, Lucchi F, Miyamoto Y, Castelein S, Borg M, Klevan TG, Tan Boon Meng R, Sornchai C, Tiengtom K, Farkas M, Moreland Jones H, Moore E, Butler A, Mpango R, Tse S, Kondor Z, Ryan M, Zuaboni G, Elton D, Grant-Rowles J, McNaughton R, Hanlon C, Harcla C, Vanderplasschen W, Arbour S, Silverstone D, Bejerholm U, Powell C, Ochoa S, García-Franco M, Tolonen J, Yeo C, Charles A, Henderson C and Slade M.
28-country global study on associations between cultural characteristics and Recovery College fidelity.
npj mental health research . 3(1): 46-46.
Vila R, Ochoa S, Fábrega-Ruz J, Gonzalez-Caballero JL, Romero C, Cid J, Frigola-Capell E, Salvador-Carulla L and Moreno-Küstner B.
Sex differences in patient-reported outcome measure of psychotic symptoms in schizophrenia.
Acuña V, Cavieres Á, Arancibia M, Escobar C, Moritz S, Gaweda L, Lamarca M, Berna F, König C and Ochoa S.
Assessing Patient Satisfaction With Metacognitive Training (MCT) for Psychosis: A Systematic Review of Randomized Clinical Trials.
Siddi S, Ochoa S, Larøi F, Lincoln TM, Schlier B, Zaytseva Y, Laloyaux J, Kozáková E, Cella M, Ntouros E, Bozikas V, Rocha NB, Gaweda L, Rocha SA and Preti A.
A cross-national investigation of psychosis-like experiences in five European countries included in the E-CLECTIC study: Psychometric challenges in studying their measurement.
PSYCHIATRY RESEARCH . 339: 116072-116072.
Esther Pousa Tomas, Brebion G, López-Carrilero R, Ruiz AI, Eva Maria Grasa Bello, Barajas A, Cobo JV, Gutiérrez-Zotes A, Lorente E, Barrigón ML, Isabel Ruiz Delgado, González-Higueras F, Frigola-Capell E and Ochoa S.
Predictors of clinical insight in first-episode psychosis: Different patterns in men and women.
PSYCHIATRY RESEARCH . 339: 116036-116036.
López-Carrilero R, Monaco ML, Frígola-Capell E, Ferrer-Quintero M, Diaz L, Verdaguer M, García-Mieres H, Vila R, Punsoda P, Birulés-Muntané I, Peláez MT, Esther Pousa Tomas, Eva Maria Grasa Bello, Barajas A, Isabel Ruiz Delgado, Barrigón ML, Fermín González Higueras, ESTHER LORENTE ROVIRA, Gutiérrez-Zotes A, Jordi Cid Colom, Legido T, Ayesa R, Moritz S and Ochoa S.
Cognitive insights in first-episode psychosis: exploring the complex relationship between executive functions and social cognition.
spanish journal of psychiatry and mental health . 17(3): 160-167.
Ochoa S, Verdaguer M, Batlle N, Garreta F, Garcia B, Haro JM, Vila E, Hernández MJ, Escandell MJ, Muñoz A, Vilamala S, Marcos S, Bassolas L, Pascua M and Ramos B.
Efficacy of the combination of water aerobics and metacognitive training on psychological and physical health variables and their relationship with SP1 and SP4 biomarkers in people with psychosis: a study protocol.
FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY . 15: 1360004-1360004.