de Portugal E, González N, Miriam V, Haro JM, Usall J and Cervilla JA.
Gender differences in delusional disorder: Evidence from an outpatient sample
PSYCHIATRY RESEARCH . 177(1-2): 235-239. Nº de citas: 28
Coromina Sadurni M, Usall J, de Montagut LM and Sánchez Autet M.
The use of oral contraceptives as a prevention of recurrent premenstrual psychosis.
PSYCHIATRY RESEARCH . 170(2-3): 290-291. Nº de citas: 4
Usall J, Pinto-Meza A, Fernández A, de Graaf R, Demyttenaere K, Alonso J, de Girolamo G, Lepine JP, Kovess V and Haro JM.
Suicide ideation across reproductive life cycle of women Results from a European epidemiological study
JOURNAL OF AFFECTIVE DISORDERS . 116(1-2): 144-147. Nº de citas: 27
Gutiérrez B, Rivera M, Obel L, McKenney K, Martínez-Leal R, Molina E, Dolz M, Ochoa S, Usall J, Haro JM, Ruiz-Veguilla M, Torres F and Cervilla J.
Variability in the COMT gene and modification of the risk of schizophrenia conferred by cannabis consumption.
Spanish journal of psychiatry and mental health . 2(2): 89-94. Nº de citas: 8
de Portugal E, González N, Vilaplana M, Haro JM, Usall J and Cervilla JA.
An empirical study of psychosocial and clinical correlates of delusional disorder: the DELIREMP study.
Spanish journal of psychiatry and mental health . 2(2): 72-82. Nº de citas: 15
Arranz B, Brebion G, Haro JM, Ochoa S, Ramos B, San L, Stephan-Otto C, Usall J and Villalta-Gil V.
The Saint John of God Mental Health Research Group in Barcelona
Portugal, E de, González, n, Vilaplana Massaguer, Míriam, Haro JM, Usall J and Cervilla, JA.
Un Estudio empírico de los correlatos psicosociales y clínicos del trastorno delirante: el estudio DELIREMP
Spanish journal of psychiatry and mental health . 2(2): 72-82.
Ochoa S, Vilaplana M, Haro JM, Villalta-Gil V, Martínez-Zambrano F, Negredo MC, Casacuberta P, Paniego E, Usall J, Dolz M and Autonell J.
Do needs, symptoms or disability of outpatients with schizophrenia influence family burden?
Ochoa S, Haro JM, Torres JV, Pinto-Meza A, Palacín C, Bernal M, Brugha T, Prat B, Usall J, Alonso J and Autonell J.
What is the relative importance of self reported psychotic symptoms in epidemiological studies? Results from the ESEMeD--Catalonia Study.
SCHIZOPHRENIA RESEARCH . 102(1-3): 261-269. Nº de citas: 40
Usall J, Suarez D and Haro JM.
Gender differences in response to antipsychotic treatment in outpatients with schizophrenia
PSYCHIATRY RESEARCH . 153(3): 225-231. Nº de citas: 84