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  • Holubova V, Barone R, Grunewald S, Tesarová M, Hansíková H, Augustínová J, Sykut-Cegielska J, De Nictolis F, Diaz-Moreno U, Elangovan R, Epifani F, Gasperini S, Jansen M, Lefeber D, Maksym-Gasiorek D, Diego M, Ounap K, Pettinato F, Põder H, Rymen D, Vals MA, Serrano M, Witters P and Honzík T.

    Clinical severity and cardiac phenotype in phosphomannomutase 2-congenital disorders of glycosylation : Insights into genetics and management recommendations



  • Granjo, Pedro, Pascoal, Carlota, Gallego, Diana, Francisco, Rita, Jaeken, Jaak, Moors, Tristen, Edmondson, Andrew C, Kantautas, Kristin A, Serrano M, Videira, Paula A and Dos Reis Ferreira, Vanessa.

    Mapping the diagnostic odyssey of congenital disorders of glycosylation (CDG): insights from the community



  • Pajusalu S, Vals AM, Serrano M, Witters P, Cechova A, Honzik T, Edmondson AC, Ficicioglu C, Barone R, De Lonlay P, Bérat CM, Vuillaumier-Barrot S, Lam C, Patterson MC, Janssen MCH, Martins E, Quelhas D, Sykut-Cegielska J, Mousa J, Urreizti R, McWilliams P, Vernhes F, Plotkin H, Morava E and Ounap K.

    Genotype/Phenotype Relationship: Lessons From 137 Patients With PMM2-CDG

    HUMAN MUTATION . 2024: 1-21.


  • Neeman B, Sudhakar S, Biswas A, Rosenblum J, Sidpra J, D'Arco F, Löbel U, Gómez-Chiari M, Serrano M, Bolasell M, Reddy K, Ben-Sira L, Zakzouk R, Al-Hashem A, Mirsky DM, Patel R, Radhakrishnan R, Shekdar K, Whitehead MT and Mankad K.

    Sotos Syndrome: Deep Neuroimaging Phenotyping Reveals a High Prevalence of Malformations of Cortical Development



  • Serrano M.

    Enfermedades raras: desentrañando las bases biológicas para encontrar futuras terapias.

    MEDICINA-BUENOS AIRES . 84 Suppl 3: 9-14.

  • Serrano M, MARIA ELIAS ABADIAS, Llorens M, Bolasell M, Vall-Roqué H and Villalta L.

    Early treatment for children with mental health problems and genetic conditions through a parenting intervention (The GAP): study protocol for a pragmatic randomized controlled trial

    Trials . 25(1): 496-496.


  • Bloomfield M, Lautarescu A, Heraty S, Douglas S, Violland P, Plas R, Ghosh A, Van den Bosch K, Eaton E, Absoud M, Battini R, Blázquez Hinojosa A, Bolshakova N, Bölte S, Bonanni P, Borg J, Calderoni S, Calvo Escalona R, Castelo-Branco M, Castro-Fornieles J, Caro P, Cliquet F, Danieli A, Delorme R, Elia M, Hempel M, Leblond CS, Madeira N, McAlonan G, Milone R, Molloy CJ, Mouga S, Montiel MV, Pina Rodrigues A, Schaaf CP, Serrano M, Tammimies K, Tye C, Vigevano F, Oliveira G, Mazzone B, O'Neill C, Pender J, Romero V, Tillmann J, Oakley B, Murphy DGM, Gallagher L, Bourgeron T, Chatham C and Charman T.

    European Autism GEnomics Registry (EAGER): protocol for a multicentre cohort study and registry

    BMJ Open . 14(6): .


  • Gallego D, Serrano M, Cordoba-Caballero J, Gámez A, Seoane P, Perkins JR, Ranea JAG and Pérez B.

    Transcriptomic analysis identifies dysregulated pathways and therapeutic targets in PMM2-CDG

    BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA-MOLECULAR BASIS OF DISEASE . 1870(5): 167163-167163. Nº de citas: 1


  • Palma-Milla C, Prat-Planas A, Soengas-Gonda E, Centeno-Pla M, Sánchez-Pozo J, Lazaro-Rodriguez I, Quesada-Espinosa JF, Arteche-Lopez A, Olival J, Pacio-Miguez M, Palomares-Bralo M, Santos-Simarro F, Cancho-Candela R, Vázquez-López M, Seidel V, Martinez-Monseny T, Casas-Alba D, Grinberg-Vaisman DR, Balcells S, Serrano M, Rabionet-Janssen R, Martin MA and Urreizti R.

    Expanding the Phenotypic Spectrum of TRAF7-Related Cardiac, Facial, and Digital Anomalies With Developmental Delay: Report of 11 New Cases and Literature Review

    PEDIATRIC NEUROLOGY . 155: 8-17.


  • Ribeiro J, Tristan-Noguero A, Martinez-Calvo FF, Ibanez-Mico S, Peña-Segura JL, Ramos-Fernandez JM, Carlos Valera Dávila, O'Callaghan-Gordo M, Campistol-Plana J, Serrano M, Xenia Alonso, Illescas KS, Ramírez-Camacho A, Sans-Capdevila O, Garcia-Cazorla A, Bayés A and Alonso-Colmenero I.

    Developmental outcome of electroencephalographic findings in SYNGAP1 encephalopathy

    Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology . 12: 1321282-1321282. Nº de citas: 3
