Buscador de publicaciones


  • Barajas A, Usall J, Baños I, Dolz M, Villalta-Gil V, Vilaplana M, Autonell J, Sánchez Fernández B, Cervilla JA, Foix-Sanjuan A, Obiols JE, Haro JM, GENIPE group and Ochoa S.

    Three-factor model of premorbid adjustment in a sample with chronic schizophrenia and first-episode psychosis

    SCHIZOPHRENIA RESEARCH . 151(1-3): 252-258. Nº de citas: 17


  • Ochoa S, Huerta-Ramos ME, Barajas A, Iniesta R, Dolz M, Baños I, Sánchez Fernández B, Carlson J, Foix-Sanjuan A, Pelaez T, Coromina M, Pardo M, GENIPE group and Usall J.

    Cognitive profiles of three clusters of patients with a first-episode psychosis

    SCHIZOPHRENIA RESEARCH . 150(1): 151-156. Nº de citas: 15


  • Villalta-Gil V, Meléndez-Pérez I, Russell T, Surguladze S, Radua J, Fusté M, Stephan-Otto C and Haro JM.

    Functional similarity of facial emotion processing between people with a first episode of psychosis and healthy subjects

    SCHIZOPHRENIA RESEARCH . 149(1-3): 35-41. Nº de citas: 13


  • Barajas A, Ochoa S, Baños I, Dolz M, Villalta-Gil V, Vilaplana M, Autonell J, Sánchez Fernández B, Cervilla JA, Foix-Sanjuan A, Obiols JE, Haro JM, GENIPE group and Usall J.

    Spanish validation of the Premorbid Adjustment Scale (PAS-S)

    COMPREHENSIVE PSYCHIATRY . 54(2): 187-194. Nº de citas: 17


  • Brebion G, Stephan-Otto C, Huerta-Ramos ME, Usall J, Ochoa S, Roca M, Abellán-Vega H and Haro JM.

    Abnormal functioning of the semantic network in schizophrenia patients with thought disorganization. An exemplar production task.

    PSYCHIATRY RESEARCH . 205(1-2): 1-6. Nº de citas: 8


  • Arranz B, Brebion G, Haro JM, Ochoa S, Ramos B, San L, Stephan-Otto C, Usall J and Villalta-Gil V.

    The Saint John of God Mental Health Research Group in Barcelona