Vila R, Butjosa A, del Cacho N, Serra C, Marina Esteban Sanjusto, Ochoa S and Usall J.
Types, prevalence and gender differences of childhood trauma in first-episode psychosis. What is the evidence that childhood trauma is related to symptoms and functional outcomes in first episode psychosis? A systematic review.
SCHIZOPHRENIA RESEARCH . 228: 159-179. Nº de citas: 34
González-Ortega I, González-Pinto A, Alberich S, Echeburúa E, Bernardo M, Cabrera B, Amoretti S, Lobo A, Arango C, Corripio I, Vieta E, de la Serna E, Rodriguez-Jimenez R, Segarra R, López-Ilundain JM, Sánchez-Torres AM, Cuesta MJ, PEPs Group:, Zorrilla I, López P, Bioque M, Mezquida G, Barcones F, De-la-Cámara C, Parellada M, Espliego A, Alonso-Solís A, Grasa EM, Varo C, Montejo L, Castro-Fornieles J, Baeza I, Dompablo M, Torio I, Zabala A, Eguiluz JI, Moreno-Izco L, Sanjuan J, Guirado R, Cáceres I, Garnier P, Contreras F, Bobes J, Al-Halabí S, Usall J, Butjosa A, Sarró S, Landin-Romero R, Ibáñez A and Selva G.
Influence of social cognition as a mediator between cognitive reserve and psychosocial functioning in patients with first episode psychosis.
PSYCHOLOGICAL MEDICINE . 50(16): 1-9. Nº de citas: 40
Cuevas-Esteban J, Iglesias M, Serra-Mestres J, Butjosa A, Canal-Rivero M, Serrano-Blanco A and Baladon L.
Catatonia in elderly psychiatric inpatients is not always associated with intense anxiety: Factor analysis and correlation with psychopathology.
Bergé D, Mané A, Lesh TA, Bioque M, Barcones F, Gonzalez-Pinto AM, Parellada M, Vieta E, Castro-Fornieles J, Rodriguez-Jimenez R, García-Portilla MP, Usall J, Carter CS, Bibiana Cabrera Llorca, Bernardo M and Janssen J.
Elevated Extracellular Free-Water in a Multicentric First-Episode Psychosis Sample, Decrease During the First 2 Years of Illness.
SCHIZOPHRENIA BULLETIN . 46(4): 846-856. Nº de citas: 13
del Cacho N, Vila R, Butjosa A, Cuadras-Palleja D, Rubio E, MARIA JOSÉ RODRÍGUEZ MONTES, Muñoz D, Dolz M, PROFEP group and Usall J.
Sexual dysfunction in drug- naïve first episode nonaffective psychosis patients. Relationship with prolactin and psychotic symptoms. Gender differences.
PSYCHIATRY RESEARCH . 289: 112985-112985. Nº de citas: 8
Siddi S, Preti A, Lara E, Brebion G, Vila R, Iglesias M, Cuevas-Esteban J, López-Carrilero R, Butjosa A and Haro JM.
Comparison of the touch-screen and traditional versions of the Corsi block-tapping test in patients with psychosis and healthy controls.
BMC Psychiatry . 20(1): 329-329. Nº de citas: 22
Mas S, Gassó P, Rodríguez N, Bibiana Cabrera Llorca, Mezquida G, Lobo A, González-Pinto A, Parellada M, Corripio I, Vieta E, Castro-Fornieles J, Bobes J, Usall J, Saiz-Ruiz J, Contreras F, Parellada E, Bernardo M and PEPs group.
Personalized medicine begins with the phenotype: identifying antipsychotic response phenotypes in a first-episode psychosis cohort.
ACTA PSYCHIATRICA SCANDINAVICA . 141(6): 541-552. Nº de citas: 6
Riera-López de Aguileta I, Vila R, Usall J, Butjosa A and Ochoa S.
Coping strategies in first-episode psychosis: A systematic review.
EARLY INTERVENTION IN PSYCHIATRY . 14(3): 252-262. Nº de citas: 8
García-Rizo C, Bioque M, Mezquida G, Amoretti S, Cuesta MJ, Díaz-Caneja CM, Mas S, Lobo A, González-Pinto A, Fraguas D, Corripio I, Vieta E, Baeza I, Bergé D, Fernandez-Egea E, Garriga M, Bernardo M and PEPs GROUP.
Birth weight and antipsychotic induced weight gain: A prenatal programming approach in the PEPs study.
SCHIZOPHRENIA RESEARCH . 218: 292-294. Nº de citas: 8
Ayesa-Arriola R, Setién-Suero E, Marques-Feixa L, Neergaard K, Butjosa A, Vázquez-Bourgon J, Fañanás L and Benedicto CF.
The synergetic effect of childhood trauma and recent stressful events in psychosis: associated neurocognitive dysfunction.
ACTA PSYCHIATRICA SCANDINAVICA . 141(1): 43-51. Nº de citas: 15