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  • Clairand I, Ginjaume-Egido M, Vanhavere F, Carinou E, Daures J, Denoziere M, Silva EH, Roig M, Principi S and Van Rycheghem L.


    RADIATION PROTECTION DOSIMETRY . 170(1-4): 21-26. Nº de citas: 29


  • Principi S, Delgado Soler C, Ginjaume-Egido M, Beltran Vilagrasa M, Rovira Escutia JJ and Duch MA.

    Eye lens dose in interventional cardiology.

    RADIATION PROTECTION DOSIMETRY . 165(1-4): 289-293. Nº de citas: 41


  • Sánchez RM, Vano E, Fernández JM, Ginjaume-Egido M and Carreras JL.

    Evaluation of an automated FDG dose infuser to PET-CT patients.

    RADIATION PROTECTION DOSIMETRY . 165(1-4): 457-460. Nº de citas: 6


  • Broughton J, Cantone MC, Ginjaume-Egido M, Shah B and Czarwinski R.

    Implications of the implementation of the revised dose limit to the lens of the eye: the view of IRPA professionals.

    Annals of the ICRP . 44(1 Suppl): 138-143.


  • Broughton J, Cantone MC, Ginjaume-Egido M, Shah B and Czarwinski R.

    Implications in dosimetry of the implementation of the revised dose limit to the lens of the eye.

    RADIATION PROTECTION DOSIMETRY . 164(1-2): 70-74. Nº de citas: 9


  • Principi S, Ginjaume-Egido M, Duch MA, Sánchez RM, Fernández JM and Vano E.

    Influence of dosemeter position for the assessment of eye lens dose during interventional cardiology.

    RADIATION PROTECTION DOSIMETRY . 164(1-2): 79-83. Nº de citas: 38


  • Ginjaume-Egido M.

    Performance and approval procedures for active personal dosemeters.

    RADIATION PROTECTION DOSIMETRY . 144(1-4): 144-149. Nº de citas: 12


  • Ginjaume-Egido M, Carinou E, Donadille L, Jankowski J, Rimpler A, Sans Merce M, Vanhavere F, Denoziere M, Daures J, Bordy JM, Itie C and Covens P.

    Extremity ring dosimetry intercomparison in reference and workplace fields.

    RADIATION PROTECTION DOSIMETRY . 131(1): 67-72. Nº de citas: 7


  • Ginjaume-Egido M, Pérez S and Ortega X.

    Improvements in extremity dose assessment for ionising radiation medical applications.

    RADIATION PROTECTION DOSIMETRY . 125(1-4): 28-32. Nº de citas: 9


  • Ginjaume-Egido M, Bolognese-Milsztajn T, Luszik-Bhadra M, Vanhavere F, Wahl W and Weeks A.

    Overview of active personal dosemeters for individual monitoring in the European Union.

    RADIATION PROTECTION DOSIMETRY . 125(1-4): 261-266. Nº de citas: 22
