Buscador de publicaciones


  • Benítez L, Castro-Barquero S, Crispi F, Youssef L, Crovetto F, Fischer U, Kameri E, Bueno C, Camós-Guijosa M, Menéndez P, Heinäniemi M, Borkhardt A and Gratacós E.

    Maternal Lifestyle and Prenatal Risk Factors for Childhood Leukemia: A Review of the Existing Evidence

    FETAL DIAGNOSIS AND THERAPY . 51(4): 395-410.


  • Wu JH, Pennesi E, Bautista F, Garrett M, Fukuhara K, Brivio E, Ammerlaan ACJ, Locatelli F, van der Sluis IM, Rossig C, Chen-Santel C, Bielorai B, Petit A, Starý J, Díaz-de-Heredia C, Rives-Solà S, O'Marcaigh A, Rizzari C, Engstler G, Nysom K, Rubio-San-Simón A, Bruno B, Bertrand Y, Brethon B, Rialland F, Plat G, Dirksen U, Sramkova L, Zwaan CM and Huitema ADR.

    Population Pharmacokinetics of Inotuzumab Ozogamicin in Pediatric Relapsed/Refractory B-Cell Precursor Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia: Results of Study ITCC-059

    CLINICAL PHARMACOKINETICS . 63(7): 981-997. Nº de citas: 1


  • Bandini P, Borràs N, Berrueco R, Gassiot S, Martin-Fernandez L, Sarrate E, Comes N, Ramírez L, Hobeich C, Vidal F and Corrales I.

    Gaining Insights into Inherited Bleeding Disorders of Complex Etiology in Pediatric Patients: Whole-Exome Sequencing as First-Line Investigation Tool

    THROMBOSIS AND HAEMOSTASIS . 124(07): 628-640. Nº de citas: 1


  • Benítez-Carabante MI, Bueno D, Alonso García L, López Torija I, Marsal-Ricoma J, Fernandez NavarroJM, Uria Oficialdegui ML, Panesso M, Molina B, Beléndez Bieler C, Palomo P, Pérez Martínez A and Diaz-de-Heredia C.

    Use of Eculizumab in Pediatric Patients with High-Risk Transplantation-Associated Thrombotic Microangiopathy: Outcomes and Risk Factors Associated with Response and Survival. A Retrospective Study on Behalf of the Spanish Group for Hematopoietic Transplantation and Cellular Therapy (GETH-TC)

    Transplantation and Cellular Therapy . 30(6): . Nº de citas: 2


  • Giménez Y, Palacios M, Sánchez-Domínguez R, Zorbas C, Peral J, Puzik A, Ugalde L, Alberquilla O, Villanueva M, Río P, Gálvez E, Da Costa L, Strullu M, Català-Temprano A, Ruiz-Llobet A, Segovia JC, Sevilla J, Strahm B, Niemeyer CM, Beléndez C, Leblanc T, Lafontaine DL, Bueren J and Navarro S.

    Lentivirus-mediated gene therapy corrects ribosomal biogenesis and shows promise for Diamond Blackfan anemia.

    JCI Insight . 9(10): . Nº de citas: 3


  • de Daniel A, Rodríguez-Lobato LG, Tovar N, Cibeira MT, Moreno DF, Oliver-Caldés A, Isola I, Lozano E, Bladé J, Rosiñol L and Fernández de Larrea C.

    The evolving pattern of the monoclonal protein improves the IMWG 2/20/20 classification for patients with smoldering multiple myeloma

    hemasphere . 8(5): .


  • Hensel A, Bauer R, Heinrich M, Hempel G, Kelber O, Kraft K, Lehmann B, Mesegue-Meda M, Nieber K, Roether B, Rollinger JM and Wiebelitz R.

    Rationalising Optimal Dosing of Phytotherapeutics For Use In Children: Current Status - Potential Solutions - Actions Needed

    Planta Medica . 90(06): 416-425. Nº de citas: 1


  • Bardón-Cancho EJ, Marco-Sánchez JM, Benéitez-Pastor D, Payán-Pernía S, Llobet AR, Berrueco R, García-Morin M, Beléndez C, Senent L, Acosta MJO, Pleguezuelos IP, Velasco P, Collado A, Moreno-Servet M, Argilés B, de Soto IP, Del Mar Bermúdez M, Salido Fiérrez EJ, Blanco-Álvarez A, Navarro PG and Cela E.

    Spanish registry of hemoglobinopathies and rare anemias (REHem-AR): demographics, complications, and management of patients with ß-thalassemia

    ANNALS OF HEMATOLOGY . 103(5): 1525-1539. Nº de citas: 2


  • Jiménez-Yuste, V, Alvarez-Román, MA, Berrueco R, Bonanad, S, Calvo-Villas, JM, González-González, R, Porras, JRG, Núñez-Vázquez, RJ and Rodríguez-López, M.

    Management of Urgent Bleeding in Patients with Hemophilia A: Focus on the Use of Emicizumab

    TH OPEN . 08(02): 194-201. Nº de citas: 2


  • Llurba E, Crispi F, Crovetto F, Youssef L, Delgado JL, Puig I, Mora J, Krofta L, Mackova K, Martinez-Varea A, Tubau A, Ruiz-Llobet A, Paya A, Prat M, Chantraine F, Comas C, Kajdy A, Lopez-Tinajero MF, Figueras-Retuerta F and Gratacós E.

    Multicentre randomised trial of screening with sFlt1/PlGF and planned delivery to prevent pre-eclampsia at term: protocol of the PE37 study

    BMJ Open . 14(3): . Nº de citas: 1
