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  • Ontanilla-Clavijo G, Ampuero J, Borreguero S, Rosell-Ferrer X and Romero-Gómez M.

    Usefulness of bioelectrical impedance analysis for monitoring patients with refractory ascites.

    REVISTA ESPANOLA DE ENFERMEDADES DIGESTIVAS . 111(3): 223-227. Nº de citas: 7


  • Melchor Rodríguez A and Ramos-Castro J.

    Video pulse rate variability analysis in stationary and motion conditions.

    BIOMED ENG ONLINE . 17(1): 11-11. Nº de citas: 23


  • Lecina M, Sanchez B, Solà C, Prat J, Roldan-Molina M, Hernández M, Bragós R, Paredes CJ and Cairó JJ.

    Structural changes of Arthrospira sp after low energy sonication treatment for microalgae harvesting: Elucidating key parameters to detect the rupture of gas vesicles

    BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY . 223: 98-104. Nº de citas: 8


  • Armano M, Audley H, Auger G, Baird J, Binetruy P, Born M, Bortoluzzi D, Brandt N, Bursi A, Caleno M, Cavalleri A, Cesarini A, Cruise M, Danzmann K, de Deus Silva, V, Desiderio D, Piersanti E, Diepholz I, Dolesi R, Dunbar N, Ferraioli L, Ferroni V, Fitzsimons E, Flatscher R, Freschi M, Gallegos J, García Marirrodriga C, Gerndt R, Gesa L, Gibert F, Giardini D, Giusteri R, Grimani C, Grzymisch J, Harrison I, Heinzel G, Hewitson M, Hollington D, Hueller M, Huesler J, Inchauspé H, Jennrich O, Jetzer P, Johlander B, Karnesis N, Kaune B, Korsakova N, Killow C, Lloro I, Liu L, López-Zaragoza JP, Maarschalkerweerd R, Madden S, Mance D, Martín V, Martin-Polo L, Martino J, Martin-Porqueras F, Mateos I, McNamara P W, Mendes J, Mendes L, Moroni A, Nofrarias M, Paczkowski S, Perreur-Lloyd, Petiteau A, Pivato P, Plagnol, Prat P, Ragnit U, Ramos-Castro J, Reiche J, Romera Perez J, Robertson D, Rozemeijer H, Rivas F, Russano G, Sarra P, Schleicher A, Slutsky J, Sopuerta C F, Sumner T, Texier D, Thorpe J I, Tomlinson R, Trenkel C, Vetrugno D, Vitale S, Wanner G, Ward H, Warren C, Wass P J, Wealthy D, Weber W J, Wittchen A, Zanoni C, Ziegler T and Zweifel.

    Constraints on LISA pathfinder's self-gravity: design requirements, estimates and testing procedures

    CLASSICAL QUANT GRAV . 33(23): . Nº de citas: 23


  • Amorós-Figueras G, Jorge E, García Sánchez T, Bragós R, Rosell-Ferrer X and Cinca J.

    Recognition of Fibrotic Infarct Density by the Pattern of Local Systolic-Diastolic Myocardial Electrical Impedance

    FRONTIERS IN PHYSIOLOGY . 7: 389-389. Nº de citas: 13


  • Armano M, Audley H, Auger G, Baird JT, Bassan M, Binetruy P, Born M, Bortoluzzi D, Brandt N, Caleno M, Carbone L, Cavalleri A, Cesarini A, Ciani G, Congedo G, Cruise AM, Danzmann K, de Deus Silva M, De Rosa R, Diaz-Aguiló M, Di Fiore L, Diepholz I, Dixon G, Dolesi R, Dunbar N, Ferraioli L, Ferroni V, Fichter W, Fitzsimons ED, Flatscher R, Freschi M, García Marín AF, García Marirrodriga C, Gerndt R, Gesa L, Gibert F, Giardini D, Giusteri R, Guzmán F, Grado A, Grimani C, Grynagier A, Grzymisch J, Harrison I, Heinzel G, Hewitson M, Hollington D, Hoyland D, Hueller M, Inchauspé H, Jennrich O, Jetzer P, Johann U, Johlander B, Karnesis N, Kaune B, Korsakova N, Killow CJ, Lobo JA, Lloro I, Liu L, López-Zaragoza JP, Maarschalkerweerd R, Mance D, Martín V, Martin-Polo L, Martino J, Martin-Porqueras F, Madden S, Mateos I, McNamara PW, Mendes J, Mendes L, Monsky A, Nicolodi D, Nofrarias M, Paczkowski S, Perreur-Lloyd M, Petiteau A, Pivato P, Plagnol E, Prat P, Ragnit U, Raïs B, Ramos-Castro J, Reiche J, Robertson DI, Rozemeijer H, Rivas F, Russano G, Sanjuán J, Sarra P, Schleicher A, Shaul D, Slutsky J, Sopuerta CF, Stanga R, Steier F, Sumner T, Texier D, Thorpe JI, Trenkel C, Tröbs M, Tu HB, Vetrugno D, Vitale S, Wand V, Wanner G, Ward H, Warren C, Wass PJ, Wealthy D, Weber WJ, Wissel L, Wittchen A, Zambotti A, Zanoni C, Ziegler T and Zweifel P.

    Sub-Femto-g Free Fall for Space-Based Gravitational Wave Observatories: LISA Pathfinder Results

    PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS . 116(23): 231101-231101. Nº de citas: 456


  • Amer M, Chavez-Domínguez JA, García-Hernandez MJ, Salazar J and Turo A.

    Quartz crystal microbalance holder design for on-line sensing in liquid applications

    International Journal of Electrical, Computer, Energetic, Electronic and Communication Engineering . 10(5): 654-657.

  • Balleza J, Pérez E, Vargas J, Kashina S, Huerta-Franco M, Torres-González LA and Riu-Costa P.

    Tidal volume monitoring by a set of tetrapolar impedance measurements selected from the 16-electrodes arrangement used inelectrical impedance tomography (EIT) technique. Calibration equations in a group of healthy males

    Biomedical Signal Processing and Control . 27: 68-76.

  • Jorge E, Amorós-Figueras G, García Sánchez T, Bragós R, Rosell-Ferrer X and Cinca J.

    Early detection of acute transmural myocardial ischemia by the phasic systolic-diastolic changes of local tissue electrical impedance.



  • García- Gonzalez MA, Fernández-Chimeno M, Guede-Fernández F, Ferrer-Mileo V, Argelagós-Palau A, Álvarez-Gómez L, Parrado E, Moreno J, Capdevila L and Ramos-Castro J.

    A methodology to quantify the differences between alternative methods of heart rate variability measurement.

    PHYSIOLOGICAL MEASUREMENT . 37(1): 128-144. Nº de citas: 7
