Giralt M, Cereijo R and Villarroya-Gombau F.
Adipokines and the Endocrine Role of Adipose Tissues.
Handbook of Experimental Pharmacology . 233: 265-282. Nº de citas: 63
Giralt M, Gavaldà-Navarro A and Villarroya-Gombau F.
Fibroblast growth factor-21, energy balance and obesity.
MOLECULAR AND CELLULAR ENDOCRINOLOGY . 418 Pt 1: 66-73. Nº de citas: 115
Ruiz M, Jové M, Schlüter A, Casasnovas C, Villarroya-Gombau F, Guilera C, Ortega FJ, Naudí A, Pamplona R, Gimeno R, Fourcade S, Portero-Otín M and Pujol A.
Altered glycolipid and glycerophospholipid signaling drive inflammatory cascades in adrenomyeloneuropathy.
HUMAN MOLECULAR GENETICS . 24(24): 6861-6876. Nº de citas: 32
Villarroya-Terrade J, Redondo-Angulo I, Iglesias R, Giralt M, Villarroya-Gombau F and Planavila A.
Sirt1 mediates the effects of a short-term high-fat diet on the heart.
JOURNAL OF NUTRITIONAL BIOCHEMISTRY . 26(11): 1328-1337. Nº de citas: 13
Gavaldà-Navarro A, Hondares E, Giralt M, Mampel T, Iglesias R and Villarroya-Gombau F.
Fibroblast growth factor 21 in breast milk controls neonatal intestine function.
SCIENTIFIC REPORTS . 5: 13717-13717. Nº de citas: 29
Planavila A, Redondo-Angulo I and Villarroya-Gombau F.
FGF21 and Cardiac Physiopathology.
Frontiers in Endocrinology . 6: 133-133. Nº de citas: 82
Cereijo R, Gallego-Escuredo JM, Moure R, Villarroya-Terrade J, Domingo JC, Fontdevila J, Martínez E, Gutiérrez Mdel M, Mateo MG, Giralt M, Domingo P and Villarroya-Gombau F.
The Molecular Signature of HIV-1-Associated Lipomatosis Reveals Differential Involvement of Brown and Beige/Brite Adipocyte Cell Lineages.
PLoS One . 10(8): . Nº de citas: 16
Cereijo R, Villarroya-Terrade J and Villarroya-Gombau F.
Non-sympathetic control of brown adipose tissue.
International journal of obesity supplements . 5(Suppl 1): .
Gavaldà-Navarro A, Domingo P, Viñas O and Mampel T.
Expression of human and mouse adenine nucleotide translocase (ANT) isoform genes in adipogenesis.
Chung SY, Kao CH, Villarroya-Gombau F, Chang HY, Chang HC, Hsiao SP, Liou GG and Chen SL.
Bhlhe40 Represses PGC-1a Activity on Metabolic Gene Promoters in Myogenic Cells.
MOLECULAR AND CELLULAR BIOLOGY . 35(14): 2518-2529. Nº de citas: 17